Finding my Voice in a Complex Organization

Presenters: Ari WolfeClaire-Marie KooiMichael Mansfield and Fatima Alleyne

AboutNavigating a complex organization and trying to build your community can be daunting and frustrating. It can be even more challenging if you struggle with the lack of representation and community on campus, imposter syndrome, lack of leadership opportunities, finding your “voice”, as well as a host of other factors. For some of us there is even a lack of opportunity for failure -- for failure is associated with our entire race.

For others, you might be curious about how to grow your cultural competence to foster collaborations with people of other cultures, races, experiences, beliefs, and points of view and are afraid that you will make a mistake. You might be curious about how to support your colleagues, who might have been overlooked, silenced, unheard, or passed over. If you fit one of these categories, this workshop is for you!

In this interactive workshop, participants will engage in a gap analysis exercise to:

  1. define your career goals and
  2. develop your cultural competence.

This exercise is intended to help participants identify strategies to fill the gaps identified in order to successfully achieve their goals. This includes community building, finding mentors and/or mentees, identifying professional development opportunities, perspective analysis, and skill-building (e.g. growth mindset, uncomfortable conversations, effective communication approaches, for career advancement).
