Breakout Sessions Round 3

Final round of 7 breakout sessions that will go from 2:00 - 3:15 pm.

Fewer, Shorter, Better Meetings: Getting the most out of Stand-ups, Networking, & More!

Presenter: Jill Finlayson

About: Do you really need a meeting? Who needs to attend? What are you trying to accomplish? Is there an agenda? From weekly team meetings to big collaborative planning sessions, what does it take to have a meeting that is worth everyone's time? Let's talk about agendas, tools, and techniques to brainstorm, problem solve, collaborate, and...

That's Not Funny: How to Use Humor Appropriately in the Workplace

Presenter:Alfred Day

About: With the stress of work it is important to maintain a sense of humor during the course of the day. However, there is a fine line being being humorous and being offensive. How can one learn to use humor as a stress reliever and to connect to others while avoiding being inappropriate, offensive or hurtful to others. Come learn what to say and what not to say and humor can be...

Stuck on the Escalator: What We Know Now about Thriving

Presenter: Danny Ceballos, MBA, MAOD

About: When the pandemic hit, most of us were frozen in our tracks - having no idea what to do. This isn't surprising, and according to a recent Kaiser report, 7 in 10 employees report the pandemic is the most stressful time of their entire professional career. So what can we do differently and be better prepared for the next...

Questions, Questions, so many questions: Be Curious, Not Judgmental - Uncle Walt

Presenter: Kevin M. Reyes

About: How would you communicate if all you could do were to ask questions? What would you learn? How would it change your collaboration? What new discoveries would you make? What would you ask? How would this drive your daily interactions? How would it change in-person work? What would that mean for remote work? Are you curious yet?


Marketing the Most Important Product of All: YOU

Presenter: Patricia Bailey

About: This workshop is focused on developing a personal brand in the topic Grow. It’s no secret that today’s job market is flooded with talent. It can be hard to stand out as a candidate, to stay motivated and directionally focused, and to value oneself appropriately. This workshop will help individuals identify, develop, and present...

In Pursuit of Team Synergy: Enhancing Psychological Safety Skills Demo

Presenter: Catherine Ciano

About: Distributed leadership, also known as shared or self-managed leadership, is a form of team leadership in which the responsibility for directing and managing collective efforts becomes shared among team members. Teams with shared leadership comprise more than 33% of all organizational teams, with 78% of Fortune 1000 companies reporting the use of self-...