Grow Your Community @ Wisdom Cafe

The Wisdom Café is a site for learning and sharing wisdom - the go-to place for all staff when they have a learning- related question, to get involved in discussions with their colleagues and to find information about professional and career development.

Learn and Share Tips from Peers

Managing Excellently: How do you set or model a team's culture?

Discover how UCB Excellence in Management award winners handle this situation and use their responses to help you on your aspiring or current management journey.

Illustration of spotlights and sparkles.

Staff Spotlights

This is the space where UCB staff share how they've navigated job and career changes on campus. Feel free to reach out to people with listed e-mails if you have any follow up questions or want to do an informational interview(link is external).

Explore More Communities

Wisdom Café is the place where you can grow your community. Join some of the staff communities by visiting their pages below or find more on the Berkeley Staff Organizations website

BSA logo

Berkeley Staff Assembly

Join the mailing list here:!forum/bsamembers-list/join

Administrative Management Professionals (AMP) logo

Administrative Management Professionals (AMP)

Join the mailing list here:

Alianza logo


Join the mailing list here:

APASA logo

Asian Pacific American Systemwide Alliance (APASA)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/apasa_mail/join

BEN logo

Berkeley Events Network (BEN)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/berkeleyeventsnetwork/join

BFN logo

Berkeley Facilitators Network (BFN)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/bfn/join

BSFO logo

Black Staff & Faculty Organization (BSFO)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/bsfomembers4/join

BRAG logo

Berkeley Research Administrators Group (BRAG)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/brag/join

CWN logo

Cal Women's Network (CWN)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/calwomen/join

Three smiling children

Camps and Youth Programs on Campus (CYPC)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/campus-youth/join

CEO logo

Coalition for Education & Outreach (CEO)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/Education.outreach/join

LavenderCal logo


Join the mailing list here:!forum/lavendercal/join

Mastermind Groups logo

Mastermind Groups!forum/managermastermind/join

NAIC logo

Native American Staff Council (NASC)

Joint the mailing list here:!forum/nastaff/join

Berkeley UX logo

Campus User-Centered Design Group (UCD)

Join the mailing list here:!forum/ucd/join

Webnet logo


Join the mailing list here:!forum/webnet-list/join

Campus Conversations - Chancellor Christ's final interview

May 2, 2024
Campus Conversations - Chancellor Christ's final interview

Chancellor Christ discusses her time in office, including the accomplishments and the work that remains, her reflections on over 50 years in higher education, and her view of the challenges and opportunities facing universities today. She ends with the importance of community and what Berkeley means to her.

Click here for more information on Campus Conversations.