Development for Leaders

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Knowledge Assessment

Not sure where to start? Use this assessment, developed especially for managers, to gauge your knowledge in key areas. The assessment helps identify gaps, and suggests resources and development opportunities to strengthen skills in the identified areas.

Two employees smile and chat while working through paperwork.

Focused 90° | a Developmental Feedback Program for Managers

Focused 90° is a developmental feedback program for managers that gives leaders an opportunity to receive feedback on enabling their team’s success against the Achievement Criteria of the Achieve Together Program.

Li Ka Shing Center on campus

Other Leadership Development

Development opportunities from other units here at UC Berkeley.

A person reading a newspaper on a bench outside

Manager Resources

These resources are designed to provide ongoing support to managers through regular updates and opportunities for discussion.

Icons representing different skills

Transferable Skills Libraries

Resources to help you become more effective in your current role or develop the skills that you will need for a future role on campus. The main library has articles, courses, and videos to help you develop the 20 most transferable skills across all unrepresented job standards in the UC system.