Useful Learning Links

Overhead view of a young person sitting on a couch and working on a laptop

Flexible Workplace Planning & Resources

This page is dedicated to helping you successfully navigate the campus shift back to in-person activity.

Ethical Values and Conduct

Foundational Skills-Required Training

These trainings are required of all UC Berkeley employees, no matter what your role.

Grow On The Go Library image

Grow on the Go Library

Your on-the-go spot for learning and development at UC Berkeley.

A wall calendar

Learning & Events Calendar

Find upcoming events hosted by People & Culture.

Grow Your Journey banner image: a road through green, rolling hills

Learning Pathways

Consult our Learning Pathways as you build your personalized learning journey.

Doe Library

Libraries at UC Berkeley

Employees have free access to UC Berkeley libraries.

LinkedIn Learning

Choose from over 16,600 online courses across a wide variety of topics, free for UC Berkeley staff.

Icons representing different skills

Transferable Skills Library

An online library with articles, courses, and videos to help you develop the 20 most transferable skills across all unrepresented job standards in the UC system. 

University of California Learning Center

UC Learning Center

UC's online learning hub, includes Berkeley-specific and systemwide courses.