BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization (cohort-based series)

BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series and certificate (cohort-based, 20-24 participants)

This series is intended for senior campus leaders. Through a series of face-to-face courses, a 360° leadership assessment, and integrated group coaching, leaders are equipped with the skills essential for strategic success at UC Berkeley and with the support necessary to bring their best selves to the role.

BPM Part 4 Grow the Organization Program

Interested in participating in the next cohort? Email Kathy Mendonca at kmendonca@berkeley.edu

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People & Organization Development (POD) Programs & Resources

BPM Integrated Group Coaching

Synopsis: As part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series, participants will engage in 9 hours of integrated group coaching.

Learning Objectives:

Through this experience you may see:

  • Improvement in your performance, targets and goals
  • Increased openness to personal learning and development
  • Increased ability to identify solutions to specific work-related issues
  • Greater ownership and responsibility
  • Development of self-awareness
  • Improvement of specific skills or behavior
  • Greater clarity in roles and objectives
  • The opportunity to correct performance difficulties

Who this is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

BPM Do What Matters Most

Synopsis: This 6-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series. This workshop incorporates 1-hour of integrated group coaching.

This workshop is tailored for leaders and managers seeking to make a difference, be more productive, perform at a higher level, and prioritize what matters most. It teaches a mindset and skill set that will impact every area of a person's life.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Identify what matters most professionally and personally
  • Develop a written personal vision
  • Identify and set roles and goals
  • Prioritize time with pre-week planning

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

  • TBD

LinkedIn Learning

  • TBD

BPM 360 Degree Assessment Introduction 

Synopsis: This 3-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series. The content covers the Korn Ferry Voices 360°® tool, which uses Lominger International’s Leadership Architect Competencies®. These characteristics are generally considered beneficial to career success. This workshop incorporates .5-hours of integrated group coaching.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Discuss the theory, use, and best practices used for 360°® feedback
  • Know how learners and raters will use the Voices 360°®online survey system to provide feedback
  • Discuss the next steps once feedback is received

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

BPM Influential Storytelling for Organizational Leaders

Synopsis: This 3.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series. This workshop incorporates .5 hours of integrated group coaching.

This workshop is tailored for leaders and managers seeking to master storytelling as a strategic communication tool. It aims to enhance their ability to convey compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences, including team members, stakeholders, and partners. Through interactive exercises, practical application, and expert guidance, participants will discover how to effectively use storytelling to clarify their vision, motivate teams, and drive organizational objectives.

The program highlights the critical role of understanding your audience, crafting engaging narratives, and applying storytelling principles to articulate strategic visions and insights. Attendees will learn to navigate the intricacies of emotional engagement and the psychological impact of storytelling on their listeners, transforming abstract ideas into stories that inspire and lead to action.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Use effective narrative techniques for crafting messages for a broad organizational audience.
  • Utilize psychological principles to deepen audience engagement and message retention.
  • Customize storytelling to align with audience needs and organizational goals.
  • Experience refining and presenting stories for maximum impact.
  • Integrate storytelling into regular leadership communication and strategic presentations.

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

  • TBD

BPM Driving Vision & Purpose with Organizational Savvy 


This 3-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series and is an elective option for the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. This workshop incorporates 1-hour of integrated group coaching.

In this workshop, participants explore the competency of "Drives Vision and Purpose” by building upon a foundational awareness of three additional leadership competencies:

  • Demonstrates Self Awareness
  • Interpersonal Savvy
  • Organizational Savvy

Attendees will explore the relationship between these four competencies and discuss how to grow in skill level to maximize organizational impact.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define the competencies of Drives Vision and Purpose, Demonstrate Self Awareness, Interpersonal Savvy, and Organizational Savvy
  • Explain how these four competencies interconnect
  • Describe how these particular skills impact the day-to-day success of a UC Berkeley people leader
  • Assess their current skill level and build a plan to grow in each competency to enhance their overall organizational impact
  • Discuss how their skills impact UC Berkeley and how they can enhance and grow their positive organizational impact

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

BPM Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving


This 8-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series and is an elective option for the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. The session also incorporates 1-hour of integrated group coaching.

The content of this workshop equips participants with the tools, techniques, and approaches to analyze and address complex as well as everyday problems. Attendees develop the mindset and habits that support the generation of effective and well-considered solutions, directions, and decisions. With the assistance of peer coaching, participants will use the identified tools and techniques to solve a real-world problem.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the skills, techniques, and mindset required to think critically  
  • Apply critical thinking skills to analyze complex issues, challenges, and problems
  • Solve problems more systematically and effectively to reach better outcomes
  • Apply techniques to examine problems to define their root cause and approach them analytically
  • Create a team environment that encourages critical thinking and engages your team in collaborative problem-solving

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

BPM Building Trust


This 5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series and is an elective option for the UC Systemwide People Management CertificateThis workshop incorporates .5 hours of integrated group coaching.

Trust is at the heart of every relationship, and it’s especially critical in the workplace. In fact, the primary factor affecting employee turnover is whether or not a trusting relationship was developed between the manager and the employee. This workshop teaches how to build trust to increase engagement, creativity, and commitment.

Based on 30 years of research, The Ken Blanchard Companies have developed a simple, yet powerful, trust model that provides a common language and framework focused on the specific behaviors that build trust.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the impact of behaviors on building and eroding trust
  • Identify aspects that need attention to build and maintain trusting relationships
  • Use tools to improve, or even rebuild trust when it is broken
  • Maintain a safe environment where employees know their leaders mean them no harm

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning

BPM Exercising Influence for Collaborative Management 


This 8.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series and is an elective option for the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. This workshop incorporates .5 hours of integrated group coaching.

Effective influence skills enable you to build the relationships necessary to get positive results regardless of your positional power. Effective influence moves your ideas into action by stimulating others to support, allow, provide resources for, or participate actively in your initiatives.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Use strategic and tactical models to develop effective influence approaches
  • Evaluate how you currently use influence behaviors and identify areas for development
  • Practice a variety of influence behaviors important to achieving successful results
  • Establish clear and powerful influence goals
  • Design and practice an approach for a real-life influence opportunity

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

BPM Budgeting & Financial Planning


This 3.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series and is an elective option for the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. This workshop incorporates 1-hour of integrated group coaching.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Berkeley's overall budget, revenue, and expenses, and how they have changed over the years  
  • Explain the various alternative new revenue on campus
  • Know the difference between restricted and unrestricted funds
  • Comprehend our campus reserves
  • Follow the basic steps in managing and evaluating a budget

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

BPM 360 Degree Assessment Report

Synopsis: This .5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series. The session describes and accurately interprets the Korn Ferry Voices 360°® feedback report, and provides coaching to participants. This workshop incorporates an additional 1.5 hours of integrated group coaching.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Receive their Voices 360°® feedback report
  • Receive an interpretation of feedback results
  • Determine priorities for near-term and long-term performance improvement and career development
  • Build a personalized development plan using the data received from the Voices 360°® assessment

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

BPM Leading for Equity & Inclusion


This 8-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 4: Grow the Organization series and is an elective option for the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. This session includes integrated coaching throughout.

In this interactive workshop, participants will develop and expand their leadership practices for equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Along with exploring best practices and common challenges, attendees will surface greater awareness of historical, structural, and institutional complexities, in addition to barriers and legacies. As part of the session, participants will create action plans to embed this work into their own unit culture and the culture of the campus as a whole.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Identify and surface collective understandings of the work of equity, inclusion, and diversity and its impact on the campus and underline the historical and institutional context.
  • Deepen knowledge and understanding of the structural legacies of exclusion.
  • Evaluate policies and practices for greater inclusion and equity within the institution.
  • Introduce and discuss the Haas Institute Othering and Belonging framework.
  • Practice engaging and facilitating courageous conversations with your staff and with your supervisor.
  • Create an action plan and build a network of supports to embed greater equity, inclusion and diversity into the work.

Who this workshop is intended for: Intended for senior campus leaders (M1, M2, M3, M4).

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning: