BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge

BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series and certificate (complete within 2 years)

Through this series of face-to-face workshops, managers, supervisors, and team leads obtain the knowledge necessary for successful people management in our campus environment. Even those who have been leading others for years, find the content valuable for navigating the parameters of our unique organization.

View current offerings, visit the Berkeley Eventscalendar
Register for workshops, visit the UC Learning Center

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People & Organization Development (POD) Programs & Resources

BPM 101 Principles of People Management

Synopsis: This 6-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content explains the roles and expectations of people managers at UC Berkeley and the relationship of these roles to the larger organization.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Identify what a people manager needs to know and do
  • Locate the resources available to increase your effectiveness in this role
  • Execute a plan to use influence in areas where you lack direct control

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

Be the Manager People Won't Leave (LinkedIn Learning Course)

BPM 102 People Management in a Union Environment

Synopsis: This 5.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series and is an elective option for the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. The content addresses how to manage represented employees within the constraints of the laws and labor contracts.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • List management rights, employee rights, and union rights
  • Communicate more effectively with represented employees and unions

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:

BPM 103 Creating an Inclusive Work Environment

Synopsis: This 4-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series for the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. This highly interactive workshop provides a baseline professional learning experience on how to foster an inclusive work environment. Participants will learn introductory frameworks and concepts, engage in discussion with colleagues about how to apply the information to their work, and learn how to respond effectively to cultural and racialized tensions that occur in the workplace.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Connect notions of  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging to their respective departments and areas of influence
  • Reflect on their current practices and approaches to managing and motivating diverse employees
  • Identify what microaggressions are and the messages they convey to BIPOC employee
  • Create a plan for improving existing practices
  • Access resources

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

BPM 104 Communicating Goals, Objectives & Key Results

Synopsis: This 4-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content identifies how goals and performance standards fit into the UC Berkeley performance management cycle and performance evaluation process.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of aligning employee objectives with strategic goals
  • Practice using SMART criteria
  • Identify objectives and key results
  • Practice writing and communicating performance objectives and key results

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

BPM 105 Achieve Together Performance Program

Synopsis: This 5.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content covers the principles and guidelines for performance management at UC Berkeley, the importance of having ongoing performance conversations, a common rating scale, and shared language. 

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the goals, features, and process of the performance program
  • Apply the new framework to ongoing check-in conversations
  • Write and communicate about goals
  • Use the Achievement Criteria for discussing performance
  • Practice conducting a check-in conversation
  • Link the Achievement Criteria to the merit  process
  • Locate Achieve Together knowledge base, resources, and support contacts

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning:

BPM 106 Taking Disciplinary Action

Synopsis: This 4.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content provides the information and skills needed to more confidently deal with unacceptable employee behavior and performance.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Apply the Seven Tests of Just Cause as a framework for disciplinary action
  • List disciplinary alternatives
  • Determine which disciplinary alternatives are appropriate

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:


Synopsis: This 3-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content explains the laws, eligibility requirements, and rights and responsibilities related to ADA/FMLA. An overview is provided of the: Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), California Family Rights Act (CFRA), Pregnancy Disability Leave, and Interactive Process of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Information is provided about how each of these interacts with the others.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Follow UC’s ADA/FMLA processes
  • Provide examples of reasonable accommodation in the workplace
  • Identify resources available to address questions and concerns

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:

BPM 108 Recruiting & Hiring Staff

Synopsis: This 6.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content covers how to effectively recruit and hire staff based on federal and state regulations and UC policies to conduct consistent, legal, and fair hiring processes through all stages of the full-cycle recruitment process.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Create proper job descriptions
  • Apply principles of inclusion
  • Manage Special Placement Candidates and Medical Separation applicants
  • Qualify applicants based on qualifications defined for the position
  • Explain what is necessary for effective record keeping
  • Apply the applicant de-selection protocol
  • Establish an ideal search committee
  • Explain why competency-based interviewing questions and reference questions are critical to managing the recruiting process
  • List the components involved in properly closing the hiring process

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience. 


Additional Resources:

BPM 109 Compensation & Benefits


This 4.5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content covers the basics of managing employee compensation and understanding the benefits structure at UC Berkeley.

The Compensation section guides how to address frequently asked compensation questions. It reviews how job descriptions should be developed and discusses the tools available to make submitting a classification request easier.

The Benefits section covers benefits eligibility, related benefits packages, and how to support employees in handling benefits situations. 

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this section, participants will be able to:

  • Determine the appropriate salary for a new hire
  • Determine an appropriate promotional increase
  • Determine when an equity adjustment is appropriate
  • Determine when payment of a stipend should be considered
  • State how appointment structure relates to benefits eligibility and related benefits packages
  • Support employees in addressing benefits situations

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:



  • UCPath (obtain personalized pay/benefits information and perform transactions)
  • UCnet (up-to-date information related to all of our programs in addition to providing links to our insurance vendors' websites and plan documents)
  • UCRAYS (UC Retirement Plan [UCRP] account information, designate beneficiaries, retirement estimates)
  • AYSO (access to historical W-2 and 1095 tax forms)
  • MyUCretirement (differences between the pension choice and savings choice, retirement classes/counseling)
  • Fidelity Net Benefits (access your UC Retirement Savings Plan accounts (including DC, 403(b) and 457(b) Plans), Savings Choice accounts, or Pension Choice supplemental accounts)
  • UC's Health Care Facilitator Program (helps faculty, staff, and their eligible family members understand and obtain the full benefits and services available from their UC-sponsored health plans)
  • UCB Health Care Facilitator (provides confidential one-on-one assistance in resolving health plan issues)

BPM 110 Foundational Finance

Synopsis: This 5-hour in-person workshop is part of the BPM Part 2: Grow Your Knowledge series. The content covers budgeting and using your unit’s resources.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how money comes to campus and is distributed to units
  • Explain the nature of university budgeting – permanent vs. temporary, incremental vs. formulaic, etc.
  • Describe the rudiments of fund accounting and how it impacts budgeting and resource allocation
  • Locate the tools available to managers for budgets
  • Apply best practices for developing a unit budget
  • Recognize considerations in times of budget reductions
  • Check progress mid-year

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.


Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Learning