BPM Part 1: Grow Today series & certificate (online)

BPM Part 1: Grow Today Series & Certificate (Online)

This fully online series is designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead. Seasoned people leaders use these content refreshers for pertinent people management information. Aspiring leaders use these quick learning experiences to gain a sense of the breadth of knowledge and depth of responsibility required for a campus leadership role.

Once you complete the BPM Part 1: Grow Today certificate, you are four elective courses away from earning the
UC Systemwide People Management certificate.

Once you complete the BPM Part 1: Grow Today certificate, you have also earned the
UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias certificate.

All courses are available from the UC Learning Center

1.  You can find the 16 eCourses that make up this certificate using the search term "Grow Today Bundle" or by
     clicking this link.

2.  After you complete the 16 eCourses, you will also need to complete the "Berkeley People Management Knowledge
     Assessment" by searching for it by title or by clicking this link.

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UCOP People Management Series – Performance Management Overview 


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 25 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Define the categories of UC People Management competencies.
  • Identify which individual competencies fit into which categories of competency in the UC People Management competencies.
  • Identify the four major distinguishing features of the UC Performance Management Cycle.
  • Define the parts of the Performance Management Cycle and associate specific activities and questions with each part of the cycle.
  • Recognize the reasons a formal performance management process is valuable to people managers.

Who this workshop is intended for: 

Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

  • Check out the Grow on the Go Library Achieve Together/Performance tab for deep-dive resources related to this course

UCOP People Management Series – Setting Expectations & Individual Performance Goals 


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 50 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.
Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Align your goals with your organization’s goals
  • Apply SMART guidelines
  • Apply standards, priorities, and polishing approaches to goals
  • Prepare to communicate goals to employees

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead


Additional Resources:

  • Check out the Grow on the Go LibraryAchieve Together/Performance, Coaching/Management, and Setting/Achieving Goals tabs for deep-dive resources related to this course.

UCOP People Management Series – Giving and Receiving Feedback


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 40 minutes, plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Identify where giving feedback fits into the UC People Management Competencies and Performance Management Cycle
  • Apply the CARE model for preparing and delivering feedback
  • Apply Tips for Success when giving feedback
  • Develop an action plan for providing feedback

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources: 

  • Check out the Grow on the Go Library Coaching/Management tab for deep-dive resources related to this course.

UCOP People Management Series – Engaging and Developing Employees


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 35 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Identify how employee engagement and employee development fit into the UC People Management Competencies and Performance Management Cycle
  • Assess the level of employee engagement, satisfaction, and effectiveness
  • Engage employees for higher satisfaction and performance
  • Demonstrate knowledge of development approaches and individualized learning strategies
  • Assess employee skill sets, skill gaps, and development needs
  • Create an Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

  • Check out the Grow on the Go Library Coaching/Management and Setting/Achieving Goals tabs for deep-dive resources related to this course.

UCOP People Management Series – Conducting Performance Appraisals


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 35 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • List the employee and supervisor benefits of performance appraisals
  • Identify the three steps for completing a performance appraisal
  • Identify actions to take to prepare for the appraisal
  • Define the purpose of the employee self-assessment
  • Identify the key components of the employee self-assessment
  • Identify the key components of the performance appraisal
  • Construct effective and impactful achievement statements
  • Identify types of, and ways to avoid, partiality when writing appraisals
  • Define the 3 Ps of conducting the performance appraisal discussion

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

  • Check out the Grow on the Go Library Achieve Together/Performance and Coaching/Management tabs for deep-dive resources related to this course.

UCOP People Management Series – Motivating, Recognizing, and Rewarding Employees 


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 35 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Describe the benefits of motivating, recognizing, and rewarding employees
  • Calculate the financial impact motivation techniques have on the bottom line
  • Describe the difference between morale and motivation
  • Assess an employee’s motivation level
  • Identify a key difference between recognition and reward
  • Determine the appropriate rewards for your employees
  • Apply strategies for motivating employees to achieve performance goals
  • Apply four steps to prepare a mini recognition plan

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

  • Check out the Grow on the Go Library Employee Engagement tab for deep-dive resources related to this course.

UCOP People Management Series – Coaching for Performance and Development


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 35 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Distinguish between the roles of manager and coach
  • Distinguish between feedback and coaching
  • Recognize reasons supervisors avoid coaching
  • Identify benefits of coaching for supervisors and employees
  • Recognize best practices to ensure an effective and successful coaching experience
  • Apply the GROW performance coaching model
  • Use the Skill/Will Matrix to determine opportunities for performance improvement
  • Recognize opportunities for employee development
  • Identify three types of employee development
  • Identify manager, employee, and organizational roles in the development partnership

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

  • Check out the Grow on the Go Library Achieve Together/Performance, Coaching/Management, and Setting/Achieving Goals tabs for deep-dive resources related to this course.

UCOP People Management Series – Managing Corrective Action


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 35 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Identify local subject matter experts to guide and direct you in the process of managing corrective action
  • Identify critical information needed before taking corrective action
  • Identify where managing corrective action fits into the UC People Management Competencies and Performance Management Cycle
  • Define corrective action
  • Identify the two types of circumstances that give rise to corrective action
  • Describe the model for progressive corrective action
  • Identify guiding principles of supervisor behavior with regard to corrective action
  • Utilize the Seven Tests of Just Cause as a framework of corrective action Identify different types of disciplinary action and ways to determine which ones are appropriate
  • Conduct an effective investigation to determine if disciplinary action is warranted

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

UCOP People Management Series – UC Hiring for Success


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is geared for hiring managers and supervisors that recruit for staff openings at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 30 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to begin the talent acquisition process and ensure an effective interview strategy
  • The importance of diversity in the talent acquisition process
  • Ways to ensure a positive candidate interview experience
  • How to effectively complete the process

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

UCOP People Management Series – Strategic On-boarding


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series and the UC Systemwide People Management series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 30 minutes plus time to complete Playbook exercises.

This course equips hiring managers with an understanding of the importance of strategic onboarding, explaining the link between talent acquisition and talent integration of a new hire. Participants will recognize the pitfalls of turnover and loss of employee engagement and will learn to take a proactive view of performance management with new hires.

Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

Learning Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Understand the importance of strategic on-boarding
  • Explain the link between talent acquisition and talent integration of a new hire
  • Recognize the pitfalls of turnover and loss of employee engagement
  • Learn to take a proactive view of performance management with new hires

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources: 

UC Managing Implicit Bias Series – What is Implicit Bias?


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series, the UC Systemwide People Management series, and the UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 28 minutes

This course will define implicit bias and explore how it derives from the natural way human brains function.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe how the brain uses shortcuts and schemas to process stimuli
  • Explain how attitudes, stereotypes and biases form
  • Differentiate between explicit and implicit biases

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


UC Managing Implicit Bias Series – The Impact of Implicit Bias


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series, the UC Systemwide People Management series, and the UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 28 minutes

This course delves deeper into how, and how often, implicit biases influence the decisions we make and actions we take, and will make the case for the value in seeking to mitigate that influence.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe and cite ways in which implicit bias affects peoples' actions
  • Compare the cause/effect relationship of implicit bias and action
  • Form a compelling argument for the importance of implicit bias awareness and training

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


UC Managing Implicit Bias Series – Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Awareness


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series, the UC Systemwide People Management series, and the UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 24 minutes

This course begins an exploration of some of the strategies you can deploy for managing the influence of implicit bias, starting with becoming aware of biases.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Assess your implicit biases using IATs
  • Recognize situations wherein you are more prone to the influence of bias
  • Recognize external factors that make you more prone to the influence of bias
  • Evaluate whether you are being influenced by bias

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


UC Managing Implicit Bias Series – Common Forms of Bias


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series, the UC Systemwide People Management series, and the UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 24 minutes

Biases are pre-programmed tendencies that help us make decisions in everyday situations.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify common forms of workplace bias
  • Identify various cognitive biases

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


UC Managing Implicit Bias Series – Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious De-biasing


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series, the UC Systemwide People Management series, and the UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 24 minutes

This course continues the exploration of how you can manage the influence of implicit bias, specifically, through mindfulness and conscious de-biasing.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Evaluate the influence of bias on the decision-making process
  • Employ counterexamples and stereotype replacement
  • Demonstrate thoughtful and purposeful signaling
  • Construct a personal plan for managing the influence of implicit bias

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


UC Managing Implicit Bias Series – Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process


This online course is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series, the UC Systemwide People Management series, and the UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias series and is recommended for anyone who manages people or aspires to manage people at UC. Estimated duration: approximately 23 minutes

This course looks at methods for avoiding bias, especially implicit bias, pertaining specifically to the hiring process. These methods can be employed by hiring managers, members of hiring committees, interviewers, or anyone with a hiring-related role.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Design processes to manage the influence of implicit bias in the hiring process

Who this workshop is intended for: Designed for everyone, from seasoned people leaders to those desiring to become a manager, supervisor, or team lead.


Additional Resources:

Berkeley People Management Knowledge Assessment


Please Note: A completion report is run in the assessment tool, and those who have completed the assessment are then manually marked as complete in the UC Learning Center. Our Program Manager does that twice a month (on the 1st and the 16th). 

Estimated duration of assessment: approximately 60 minutes. This assessment is part of the BPM Part 1: Grow Today series. Please note, this assessment is not a test to measure the knowledge you've gained in the series. Instead, it is a next steps assessment. Read on to learn more.

Now that you've completed the courses that make up the foundational Berkeley People Management Part 1: Grow Today series, you might be wondering what's next. The Berkeley People Management Knowledge Assessment was developed especially for managers, supervisors, and team leads to help answer that question by gauging knowledge in nine key areas. Once completed, the online assessment will provide you with a list of suggested development opportunities and resources related to any significant knowledge gaps identified.

To address identified gaps, assessment participants are encouraged to partner with their manager to create a professional development plan to strengthen the identified areas. The plan might include attendance in suggested workshops, individual coaching from the manager, and/or on-the-job stretch assignments.

Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.