Highlights of Contract Revisions from Recent Negotiations (IX)

CURRENT CONTRACT (February 29, 2016 - January 31, 2020)

Highlights of Key Revisions to the Agreement for Unit 18 (Non-Senate Faculty)

  • Duration - Agreement is extended to 9/30/14 with reopener negotiations for salary in 2012-13 and 2013-14. If there is a change in the structure of the UCRP program in 2013-14, retirement will also be open. If the University makes changes in the health and welfare program that impact part-time employees, the contract will be reopened to bargain over health and welfare benefits. The On-Line education article will also be reopened in January 2013.
  • Salary - Effective 10/1/11 there will be a supplemental merit program providing a 3% salary adjustment to all appointees who are determined to be satisfactory. For Continuing Appointees the determination will be based upon the most recent merit review. All Continuing Appointees who underwent an Excellence Review will be determined to be satisfactory; all pre-six appointees will be determined to be satisfactory based upon reappointment. Appointees with By-Agreement and off-scale salaries are not eligible for the increase.
  • Academic Responsibility - Language was added affirming the obligation of NSF appointees to maintain a collegial relationship.
  • Pre-Six Year Appointments - The University will make pre-six appointments by June 1, of each year when the need for such appointments is known.
  • Review for Continuing Appointees - The needs assessment for a Continuing Appointee should occur at least 12 months prior to the end of the twelfth semester of appointment. The review for a Continuing Appointment should occur prior to the end of the twelfth semester.
  • Instructional Support - NSF shall not be required to pay for their own substitutes for classes or office hours.
  • Sick Leave - Fiscal year appointees will be eligible to accrue sick leave.
  • On-Line Instruction - The University has the ability to implement the on-line education programs which are currently in the pilot stage and will maintain the status quo regarding terms and conditions of employment for appointees including workload. The article will be reopened for negotiation in January 2013, following a meet-and-discuss session regarding the results of the pilot program in fall 2012.