Graduate Student Researchers (UAW - 2865 - BR)

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Contract Status: Contract Expires 01.01.26

UAW Orientations are mandatory for new employees.

Academic Student Employees and Graduate Student Researchers are required to attend an Employee Orientation with representatives from UAW 2865, the union of Student Researchers and Academic Student Employees at UC. At this orientation, union leaders will familiarize you with your rights, protections, and benefits as a worker under the UC-UAW 2865 Collective Bargaining Agreements.

The new worker orientation for GSIs will continue to be during the GSI Teaching Conference on August 23, from 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m for Engineering, Computer Sciences, Quantitatives, Qualitative Social Sciences, and Studio, Art & Environmental Design, and at 4:45 - 5:15 pm for Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Humanities, Reading & Composition, Foreign Languages, and Quantitative Social Sciences.

The new worker orientation for Readers, Tutors, and GSRs is scheduled for:
  • Friday, Jan 31, 6-7pm in Dwinelle 155
  • Friday, Feb 7, 6-7pm in Dwinelle 155 (make-up session)

If you are unable to attend the orientation during the teaching conference, you should register at this link for a make-up orientation.

According to the UC-UAW 2865 Collective Bargaining Agreements, found here for ASEs, and here for SRs, all job-related training, including this orientation, count as paid time. If you fill out a timesheet, log 30 minutes for the orientation. Please contact if you have any questions.


Academic Student Employee Unit (UAW 2865 - BX)

Graduate Student Researcher Unit (UAW 2865 - BR)

Current Contract

UC's Graduate Student Researchers webpage can be found on UCnet