Labor Relations

Graduate Student Researchers (UAW - 2865 - BR)

UAW logo

Contract Status: Contract Expires 01.01.26

UAW Orientations are mandatory for new employees.

Academic Student Employees and Graduate Student Researchers are required to attend an Employee Orientation with representatives from UAW 2865, the union of Student Researchers and Academic Student Employees at UC. At...

Labor Resources

This section contains general or background information about unions, associations, bargaining agreements, and labor relations at UC Berkeley.

To find out what personnel program or bargaining unit covers your position or to find the contact person for a particular bargaining unit, see the Union Representatives Contact Information page.

Representatives of employee organizations should read the Access to University Facilities page before...

Contracts (Bargaining Units)

The University of California, Berkeley currently has 17 different bargaining units on campus. Each bargaining unit has a separate contract with a union that represents all employees covered under that unit.

For more information on a specific bargaining unit's contract and its provisions, see the links to the left. UC Berkeley's current bargaining units are listed in alphabetical order.

For information on bargaining unit contacts, please see Contracts Summary and Contacts in the General Information...

Carrie Ann Colton

Title: Employee & Labor Relations Director

Phone: 510-384-3927
