Student Assistant Series FAQs

Thinking of hiring a Student Assistant?

  1. Take our Berkeley People Management Part 1 online training series
  2. Refer to our Toolkit for Leading and Managing Student Employees

What is the purpose of the Student Assistant series?
The Student Assistant series is intended to provide a simple mechanism for campus departments to employ students, considering the unique working conditions of students and their purpose and intent in relation to employment on the campus. It also allows the campus to more easily distinguish students from career and limited-term support staff, since the titles and title codes for students are not used by other staff employees; conversely, all students should be placed in one of the student worker titles and not in any other staff title.

The three-level Student Assistant series has broad salary ranges which are intended to give departments great flexibility in setting their student employees' salaries and minimize the administrative burdens of student employment. The appointment type is "casual-restricted" which is used only for UC Berkeley students. "Casual-restricted" employees are not represented by a bargaining unit but are covered by the Personnel Policies for Staff Members.

How do I get a new position classified into the correct level?
Students should be placed in an appropriate Student Assistant level based upon the nature of the work, level of assignment, and complexity of the work performed. The three Student Assistant levels have been previously mapped to staff titles based on these criteria (scroll down to “Student Assistants” at Look up the title that most closely fits the nature of the student's work and find the comparable Student Assistant level. If the nature of the student's work does not fit any of the titles that have been mapped, call People & Culture's Compensation Unit (642-2799) for assistance.

What do I use for a job title?
Campus Jobs: Please use the appropriate Student Assistant series level title for all official paperwork purposes. (e.g.- use "Assistant II" rather than Senior Clerk/Secretary, "Assistant III" rather than Resident Advisor). You can also use a working title to help advertise for the position opening and to describe the position to applicants if the working title is more descriptive of the work.

Work Study Jobs: In the case of a student continuing employment from a previous period, refer to the former working title. Use the "Assistant II, III, or IV" title that is appropriate. In the case of a new student, use the same working position title as was used when hiring students in previous similar employment. Again, find the appropriate "Assistant II, III, or IV" title at the above website.

How do I set the salary?
Each of the four Student Assistant series levels has a defined pay range. Departments should consider the title and salary level provided to limited or career staff performing similar work, the knowledge, skills and abilities the student employee brings to the position, and the departmental budget.

How do I find out what comparable rates of pay exist for similar student jobs elsewhere on campus?
The normal hiring salary is within the range for comparable staff work, and normally the entry salary is at the lower end of that range unless there are unusual skills, knowledge, ability, or experience that support a higher level. If there are no comparable campus positions, contact your departmental compensation consultant.

How do I post a job listing? Where do I send the listing?
Campus Jobs: Student campus job listings are listed online on the Berkeley Career Engagement's website via Handshake, the on and off-campus job database for all UC Berkeley students. Bookmark the login page and follow the instructions. For any questions, contact Berkeley Career Engagement at 642-0464 or by email.

Work-Study Campus Jobs: Job requests may be posted online. Go to the Work-Study website and follow the instructions to obtain an employer ID and password. Jobs may be listed, modified, or purged at your convenience. For questions, contact Cal Student Central at 510-664-9181.

Undergraduate student positions can also be posted to the Discovery Opportunities Database, UC Berkeley’s centralized tool for our undergraduates to search for research, internships, and/or scholarships. Email for support in getting your listing posted to the database. This quick and friendly tool is recommended in addition to both Handshake and Work Study. 

Who is eligible for Student Assistant series jobs?
Student jobs are restricted to UC Berkeley students who are registered for the current academic semester, or in the grace period immediately before or after academic semester registration (grace period defined as a semester or summer, whichever is before or after the period of enrollment).

Can a student work over 20 hours per week during the academic year in these positions?
Graduate students are not allowed to work over half-time per week on average over the period of the term unless a waiver is granted by the Graduate Division.

Campus Jobs: Undergraduate students are allowed to work over half-time per week on average over the period of the term. However, departments should remember that students' primary obligation is to their studies and the number of working hours should take into consideration the student's academic workload.

Work-Study: There is no restriction per federal or state guidelines. However, employers should be aware that students may accrue eligibility for benefits when working at half-time or better during any given payroll period. These benefits must be paid from employer funds only.

Are student employees covered by limited appointment provisions?
Student employees who hold casual-restricted appointments are excluded from the provisions for limited appointments.

Where do I go for questions about getting students on payroll, student benefits, and/or student terminations?
Please refer these types of questions to your HR Business Partner.