To view the current offerings and register for any of these workshops, search for the course code in your campus UC Learning Center
Please Note: Class registration closes 48 hours before the event to allow time for instructor and participant prep. Please be sure to register (or cancel your registration if you can no longer attend) 48 hours before the class.
BPM 101 Principles of People Management
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will discover the basic concepts and models successful people leaders use at the UC and beyond. The content covered will give you a strong foundation on which to build the acquisition of the Power Skills you need to be successful in your role.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify what a people manager needs to know and do
- Locate the resources available to increase your effectiveness in this role
- Execute a plan to use influence in areas where you lack direct control
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Common Solutions - Manager Toolkit
- A Toolkit for Leading and Managing Student Employees
- UC Berkeley Guide to Managing During COVID-19
- UC Core Competency ABCs
- Development Planning Guide (Word doc)
- Check out the Grow on the Go Library Coaching/Management tab for deep-dive resources related to this course.
- Leadership at UC Berkeley
- Managing in a Crisis (online)
- UC People Management Series - Building Collaborative Relationships (online)
- Be the Manager People Won't Leave (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Simon Sinek - Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action
- Stop managing, start leading millennials
- Berkeley People & Culture - Employee Relations – Bullying in the Workplace
- Berkeley People & Culture – Employee Relations - Online Bullying Prevention Training/Videos
- Staff Ombuds Office - Self-help Tools Bullying and Civility
- Guidelines for Preventing and Responding to Faculty Bullying and Other Demeaning & Disruptive Behavior (pdf)
- Workplace Bullying Prevention Policy (pdf)
- UC Experience Conversations
BPM 103 Creating an Inclusive Work Environment
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will learn how to foster an inclusive work environment using introductory frameworks and concepts. You will engage in discussions with colleagues about how to apply the information to your work and learn how to respond effectively to cultural and racialized tensions that occur in the workplace.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Connect notions of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging to their respective departments and areas of influence
- Reflect on their current practices and approaches to managing and motivating diverse employees
- Identify what microaggressions are and the messages they convey to BIPOC employee
- Create a plan for improving existing practices
- Access resources
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Check out the Grow on the Go Library Coaching/Management and DEIB tabs for deep-dive resources related to this course.
- UC Managing Implicit Bias Series - What is Implicit Bias? (online)
- UC Managing Implicit Bias Series - The Impact of Implicit Bias (online)
- UC Managing Implicit Bias Series - Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Awareness (online)
- UC Managing Implicit Bias Series - Common Forms of Bias (online)
- UC Managing Implicit Bias Series - Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious De-biasing (online)
- UC Managing Implicit Bias Series - Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process (online)
- Moving Beyond Bias - training course information
- Gender Recognition: A Focus on Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Awareness (online)
- Managing a Diverse Team (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Creating safety and inclusion (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Key traits of inclusive leadership: the six C's (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Psychological Safety (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- How I learned to love discussing race (TEDx Talk)
- How to tell someone they sounded racist (video)
- On being wrong (TEDx Talk)
- Berkeley Engineering - Bias Busters Workshops (Videos)
- Berkeley People & Culture - Employee Relations – Bullying in the Workplace
- Berkeley People & Culture – Employee Relations - Online Bullying Prevention Training/Videos
- Staff Ombuds Office – Training
- Staff Ombuds Office - Self-help Tools Bullying and Civility
- Staff Ombuds Office Biennial Report
- Microaggressions - clarification, evidence, and impact (pdf)
- When and How to Respond to Microaggressions (pdf)
- Guidelines for Preventing and Responding to Faculty Bullying and Other Demeaning & Disruptive Behavior (pdf)
- Workplace Bullying Prevention Policy (pdf)
BPM 104 Communicating Goals, Objectives & Key Results
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will discuss how goals and performance standards can be built into the performance management cycle and performance evaluation process for your team.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of aligning employee objectives with strategic goals
- Practice using SMART criteria
- Identify objectives and key results
- Practice writing and communicating performance objectives and key results
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Check out the Grow on the Go Library Achieve Together/Performance, Coaching/Management, and Setting/Achieving Goals tabs for deep-dive resources related to this course.
- UC People Management Series - Setting Expectations & Individual Performance Goals (online)
- Setting Team & Employee Goals (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Create and shared vision and focus on objectives (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Goal setting (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Learn to build goals from the bottom up (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
BPM 201 Employee Engagement
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will be given an overview of employee engagement and new employee onboarding, discover an assessment model useful in employee engagement, discuss a tool for creating an engagement action plan, and learn communication techniques allowing you to share your engagement strategy successfully.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Explain the benefits of engagement to the organization
State the theory of onboarding
Navigate UC Berkeley’s New Employee Onboarding Toolkit
Augment UC Berkeley’s New Employee Onboarding Toolkit for localized needs
Explain the benefits of an ongoing assessment of engagement
Create an action plan to address two engagement factors
Explain the benefits of engagement to the organization
Identify workplace dynamics and factors that create barriers to engagement
- Explain how leaders can play a role in cultivating a culture of engagement that is authentic and meaningful
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Employee Engagement at UCB
- Check out the Grow on the Go Library Setting/Achieving Goals tab for deep-dive resources related to this course.
- Onboarding Timeline and Toolkit for On-campus, Remote and Hybrid Employees (toolkit)
- UC People Management Series - Engaging and Developing Employees (online)
- UC People Management Series - Motivating, Recognizing, and Rewarding Employees (online)
- UC People Management Series - Strategic On-Boarding (online)
- Employee Engagement (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Creating a Culture That Inspires Your Employees (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Make your onboarding process engaging (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- What an employee needs to be engaged (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- EAB Manager's Guide to Remote Onboarding (pdf)
BPM 203 Analyzing & Resolving Conflict
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will discover how to effectively manage conflict between individuals or work teams in the workplace.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify their own and other’s conflict styles
- Analyze and map workplace conflict
- Select an appropriate strategy for managing workplace conflict
- Create a conflict resolution plan
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Check out the Grow on the Go Library Coaching/Management tab for deep-dive resources related to this course.
- Navigating Challenging Situations with Diplomacy and Tack (online)
- Conflict Resolution Foundations (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Understanding conflict styles (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Identifying issues and needs (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Distinguishing fact from fiction (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Opening the conflict conversation (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Gaining alignment and brainstorming (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Getting to agreement (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Staff Ombuds Office
- Staff Ombuds Office – Training
- Berkeley People & Culture - Employee Relations – Bullying in the Workplace
- Berkeley People & Culture – Employee Relations - Online Bullying Prevention Training/Videos
- Staff Ombuds Office - Self-help Tools Bullying and Civility
- Guidelines for Preventing and Responding to Faculty Bullying and Other Demeaning & Disruptive Behavior (pdf)
- Workplace Bullying Prevention Policy (pdf)
BPM 204 Building Teams
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will learn and discuss the characteristics of and the tools necessary for building effective teams in the workplace.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Assess their team's effectiveness and needs
- Determine their team’s stage of team development
- Identify their team’s leadership needs based on its current stage of team development
- Create an action plan for increasing their team’s effectiveness
- Practice selected tools and become familiar with the Team Building Toolkit resource
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Team Building Toolkit (pdf)
- Development Planning Guide (Word doc)
- Becoming a Successful Collaborator (online)
- Facing Virtual Team Challenges (online)
- Exploring Virtual Collaboration (online)
- Contributing as a Virtual Team Member (online)
- Establishing Effective Virtual Teams (online)
- Google Hangouts Meet: Using Hangouts Meet on the Web (online)
- Building Your Team (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Level Up Your Remote Team Experience (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Creating Psychological Safety for Diverse Teams (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Assess your leadership readiness (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Establish a team charter (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Forming Stage (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Storming Stage (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Norming Stage (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Performing Stage (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
BPM 205 Delegation Skills
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will be introduced to tools useful as you plan and prepare for the delegation of work tasks and projects. You will learn how to effectively communicate when delegating and how to plan for follow-up that ensures successful task or project completion.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Plan and prepare systematically to delegate a task or project
- Practice communicating effectively when delegating a task or project
- Create a follow-up plan to ensure the successful completion of a delegated task or project
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Check out the Grow on the Go Library Coaching/Management tab for deep-dive resources related to this course.
- Delegating from a Distance (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Delegating Tasks (LinkedIn Learning Quick Course)
- What tasks should you delegate? (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- What keeps us from delegating and why (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Delegating tasks to your direct reports (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
BPM 206 Growing as a Coach
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will discover the fundamental tools and techniques needed to coach others and how to give effective feedback that will enable employees to do their best work and develop themselves for the future.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Build an environment of trust as the foundation for effective coaching and feedback
- Give meaningful, action-oriented feedback that drives performance
- Listen effectively and ask questions to understand your employees’ perspectives
- Use a four-step framework to have meaningful coaching conversations to enable employees to problem-solve, perform at their best, and develop and grow.
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Pre-work for Zoom Workshops: Before attending, please take the Introduction to Growing as a Coach (BPM206_PRE), which contains the pre-work for the virtual version of Growing as a Coach. This will prepare you to participate fully in the virtual class by introducing the content and laying the foundation for what you will need. This course contains an audio voiceover.
Pre-work for In-person Workshops: There is no pre-work for the in-person workshops.
Additional Resources:
- Growing as a Coach Toolkit (pdf)
- Check out the Grow on the Go Library Achieve Together/Performance and Coaching/Management tabs for deep-dive resources related to this course.
- Coaching Circles Guide (guidance for departments to offer structured local coaching circles for ongoing organizational and peer support and practice)
- Development Planning Guide (Word doc)
- Cal Coaching Network Community of Practice
- UC People Management Series - Giving and Receiving Feedback (online)
- UC People Management Series - Coaching for Performance and Development (online)
- UC People Management Series - Facilitating Upward Feedback (online)
- Coaching for Results (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Coaching (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Five starting questions to avoid the pitfalls (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- How to give feedback in the coaching process (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- How to Give Negative Feedback to Senior Colleagues (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- The joy of getting feedback (TEDx Talk)
BPM 207 Leading Change
Synopsis: In this workshop, you will be provided with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully lead a team through a change initiative
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify the organizational approach to change related to their particular change initiative
- Write a case for change, a vision for the future, and create a change plan
- Create a team-specific communication plan
- Explain the leader’s role in change management and the skills required to successfully lead a change initiative
- Explore resistance to change, and learn ways to address it productively
- Identify ways to inspire commitment and help implement change
- Locate resources to guide and support change management efforts
Who this workshop is intended for: Ideally suited to individuals with current and/or previous people management experience.
Additional Resources:
- Change Management Toolkit (pdf)
- Succession Planning Cycle and Consulting Options video (Grow on the Go)
- Organizations Change So Get Ready (online)
- UC People Management Series - Change Project Management – The Crucial Role of Communication (online)
- UC People Management Series - Choosing the Right Strategy for Implementing Change (online)
- Leading Change (LinkedIn Learning Course)
- Helping people change (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Helping teams change (LinkedIn Learning Quick Video)
- Change Management in Higher Education: Conversations at the University of California
- UC Coro 2019 Change Management Annotated List of Recommended Readings (pdf)
- Talent & Succession Management at UC