Rehiring UC Retirees

The Intent of the Reemployment of Retired Employees Program

If you’ve retired from UC but the university needs your skills, you may be able to return to work for a limited period under certain restrictions. This allows UC to tap the specialized expertise of its retirees, while allowing you to make a valuable contribution to UC’s mission. Because rehired retirees may draw a retirement benefit and another UC income simultaneously, the university must follow clear policy guidelines to ensure public  accountability, transparency and sound succession planning.

Rehire Retiree employee

The reemployment of Retired Employees is meant to be temporary. Reemployment should not exceed a total of 12 cumulative months at 43% time or less (43% combination includes concurrent appointments at another location or separate appointments at the same location). It is generally meant to provide temporary services or transitional training for a short term from a qualified professional who has experience with University operations.  

If there is a substantive business reason to reemploy a Retired Employee after having been reemployed for 12 cumulative months, the Retired Employee may be reappointed for up to an additional 12 cumulative months. After 24 cumulative months of reemployment as a Retired Employee, the Retired Employee's rehire appointment must end.