I Can See Clearly Now!

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Of all the different check-ups in a year, getting my eyes checked is by far the worst one for me. I don’t like people touching my eyes, the lights and blurry tests make me feel like I am getting a migraine, and I always leave with a headache. I would go as far as to say I would rather go to the dentist ten times over getting a yearly eye exam (that being said, I like going to the dentist and getting my teeth cleaned so perhaps this is a poor example). But at the same time, I have been having trouble seeing things, so I figured it would be smart for me to go before the end of the year now that I am the proud owner of my own vision insurance provided to staff by UC Berkeley! (Look at me Mom and Dad!)

Anyway, a coworker of mine suggested I go to UC Berkeley Optometry right here on campus at the Meredith W. Morgan University Eye Center. She said it is a teaching environment so you have interns studying to become optometrists conducting your comprehensive eye exam and then their supervisor will come and check their work. I thought that sounded pretty cool. I am at this institution that prides itself on research, so why not take advantage of a service that they provide here and support the cause.

Now let me tell you: I certainly got a thorough exam. Lots of letters and lights and drops and tests. Two hours later I got back to my office rocking those stylish UV blocking roll up shades. You know how when they dilate your eyes you are sensitive to light but also can’t see things up close? I must have looked like a fool working the rest of the day wearing those shades and navigating my computer from a yard back with my wireless keyboard and mouse pad (technology!!). I would warn you to allow a solid two hours for your appointment, but you can go in with high expectations, because my experience was great. The staff working at the front desk were so great, the optometrists were extremely professional, and most importantly, I can see clearly now!

It’s funny. Now that I think about it, maybe this visit was in some ways mirroring my Cal experience. I went into my eye exam not knowing what to expect but trusting the people around me saying it was going to be great. And while I left with my eyes dilated and everything around me blurry, with some time, I adjusted and now have a prescription that works great for me! I came into this job and this move somewhat blindly trusting the people around me that this would be a great experience and adventure. When I got out here and started working at UCB, my surroundings seemed unclear and took a little while to adjust. But now, I feel like my life is clearer and I am beyond glad that I took the leap of faith.

Eye Exams
Now that I think about it, maybe this visit was in some ways mirroring my Cal experience.