Nice to meet you!

My name is Maddy...

 ...and I'm here to share my experiences, both as a new employee of the University of California, Berkeley, and more broadly, as a new Californian. I hold a unique angle on the new employee experience, having relocated in early October, 2017 from the East Coast to the East Bay for my current position at Berkeley. I am a recent college grad embarking down this unexpected path as a young professional, eager to share my experience as I am only just beginning to navigate the beautiful quirks of this new world I am living in. 

This is the first time that I have ever moved to a new place, the first time I have started a career, and the first time that I have really had to figure things out on my own. It has been hard at times, maybe a little scary and lonely; but moreover it has been exciting and challenging and stimulating. I want to lend my voice to the new employee at UC Berkeley with the goal of shedding light on the fresh experience working at a world-renowned, public institution for higher education. I am determined to make the most of this experience, because there aren’t many times in life where you can start completely fresh like a blank canvas.  

Now, what is my goal? My goal is to explore the options and opportunities that the university has to offer its employees. As an HR employee, I am required to say that there are tons of opportunities and resources at our disposal as staff members. But before I say this, I want to explore, discover, and experience these perks for myself and I invite YOU, my fellow Cal employees, to join me!

