Multi-Location Appointments for Staff: Procedures


A multi-location appointment (MLA) occurs when an employee is employed by two or more UC campus locations simultaneously.¹  For additional guidance, see the UC Accounting Manual.

The campus where the employee holds his/her primary employment is the HOME location.

The campus that employs the employee on an additional basis is the HOST location.  


Multi-location Agreement (MLA)

Host Location Actions

Home Location Actions

HOST initiates the MLA form and submits it to campus for review and sign-off. A signed copy is sent to the HOME campus for review and sign-off. Once HOME campus returns signed MLA, the HOST campus processes a concurrent hire.

UC Berkeley is HOST

The HOST department develops a position description in JDX and submits the description for approval.

The HOST department fills out the MLA form and submits it for dean’s office and then campus review. 

The MLA form for staff titles, must be signed by the department and the BRS/HR Partner.

  • The BRS Partner will send a copy to the HOME campus. BRS will process the MLA in coordination with HOME campus.

Payment Processing Steps: Once HOST receives the fully signed MLA from the HOME campus, the HOST processes the MLA as a concurrent hire.

HOST creates a position number, using the correct job code, department org node, etc.

Links departmental funding to position number.

A concurrent hire template is submitted to UCPC. The MLA form must be attached to the template.  Note in the comment box and the initiator box that this is an MLA.

The employee will be paid on their regular paycheck. No fund transfers need to happen.

Extension or termination of MLA: HOST campus should confirm in advance of the MLA end date if the MLA is to be extended.

Best practice: Check the Auto-Term box for academic MLA appointments.


HOME campus reviews the MLA form submitted by HOST campus. Obtains required signatures and submits the MLA for campus review. Once all signatures are obtained, the HOME campus sends the MLA back to HOST for processing.

UC Berkeley is HOME

The HOME department signs the MLA and submits it for dean’s office and then campus review.

The MLA form for staff titles, must be signed by the department and the BRS/HR Partner.

  • BRS sends a copy of the signed MLA form to HOST for processing.

Extension or Termination of MLA

HOME monitors the end dates for MLAs, and coordinates with HOST to adjust the Home percentage time once MLA ends.

BRS can monitor end dates for titles under their management. For titles managed by the department, the department should monitor end/extension dates.

One-Time Payment (OTP)

Host Location Actions

Home Location Actions

HOST campus initiates the OTP form and submits it to campus for review and sign-off. A signed copy is sent to the HOME campus for review and sign-off. Once HOME campus returns signed OTP, the HOST campus processes a concurrent hire.

UC Berkeley is HOST

The HOST department fills out the OTP form and submits it for dean’s office and then campus review. 

The OTP form for staff titles, must be signed by the department and the BRS/HR Partner.

  • The BRS Partner will send a copy to the HOME campus for staff titles. 

Once HOST receives the fully signed OTP from the HOME campus, the HOST processes the OTP as a concurrent hire.

Payment Processing Steps: HOST creates a position number, using the correct job code, FTE=0, department org node, etc.

Links departmental funding to position number.

Please Note: State funds such as 19900 cannot be used to pay honoraria.

A concurrent hire template is submitted to UCPC. The OTP form must be attached to the template. Note in the comment box and the initiator box that this is an OTP.

Submit a one-time payment, selecting Interlocation OTP from the Reason Code drop-down list on the One-Time Payments page.

Terminates concurrent job after payment is made.

Best practice: Check the Auto-Term box for academic OTP appointments.

The employee will be paid on their regular paycheck. No fund transfers need to happen.

Best option for processing if the employee’s appointment in UCPath is WOS:

  1. Update the employee’s record and place the employee into a pay type that will generate pay. 
  2. Process the one-time payment, with COA override.
  3. Return the employee/appointment to WOS. 


HOME campus reviews the OTP form submitted by HOST campus. Obtains required signatures and submits the OTP for campus review. Once signatures are obtained, the HOST processes the OTP.

UC Berkeley is HOME

The OTP form for academic titles must be signed by the dean’s office and APO.

APO sends the signed copy to the HOST location for payment processing, and a copy to VCRO/dean’s office (for informational purposes).

If LBNL is one of the locations, contact your department HR Consultant for assistance.

For questions regarding MLA materials on this website, please contact

¹ For MLA’s involving academic appointments, contact the Academic Personnel Office