UC Systemwide People Management Certificate
Is there a convenient way to search and register for the classes included in the certificate?
Yes. From the UC Learning Center search for UCOP People Management Series. A list of all online and currently scheduled in-person classes will appear, and will be able to register directly for any class of your choosing. Or simply type the course code for the course you are interested in taking into the search.
What is the start date or length of the program?
This is a self-paced program. You can start at any time that works for your schedule, and you will have three years for completion from start to finish.
Once I complete the certificate, what else is available for professional development in people management?
Once the certificate series is complete, continue to experiment and work with your manager to grow as a professional. Complete the Berkeley People Management Knowledge Assessment and select an area highlighted in the assessment for further knowledge development.
Additional knowledge content is available through: Berkeley People Management Certificate Series (BPM), the Multicultural Education Program, Staff Ombuds, and LinkedIn Learning. Please also check out the Wisdom Café and the Learning Calendar and Events for further information.
Why should I invest the time to complete this certificate? Will it benefit my career in any way?
Earning a certificate is not an assured path to the managerial level; however, being open to learning new concepts and new approaches is one of the keys to success on any career path. The content in this certificate series will expose you to new ways of managing people. By working to further develop these skills and asking for feedback on how you are doing and adjusting accordingly, you are almost certain to grow professionally. In addition, you can put this certificate on your resume, LinkedIn profile, etc. showcasing your commitment to the development of effective people management skills. Finally, within UC, completion of this certificate adds to your credibility as it is recognized across the entire UC system.
How will I receive my UC Systemwide People Management Certificate?
Once all Core and Elective courses have been completed, the UC Learning Center will allow you to print the UC Systemwide People Management Certificate. In addition, the certificate will be part of your permanent learning record.
I have already completed some of the courses required for the certificate. Can I get credit for them?
Credit is automatically given for any course completed within the past three years. A three-year “look back” is reasonable. Going back further is not prudent as course materials are continually updated due to the changing nature of the workforce and the evolution of employment policies.
I supervise students. Am I eligible to attend the BPM workshops?
Yes. The BPM workshops are designed for all managers, supervisors or team leads at Berkeley, regardless of the job titles you oversee.
Currently, I am not a people manager but aspire to this role at some point in my career. Am I eligible to earn the certificate?
Yes. This systemwide program is available for seasoned people leaders as well as anyone desiring to become a team lead, supervisor, or manager in the future. As someone who has yet to step into a leadership role, earning this certificate will give you insights into what the role entails and help you determine if being a people manager is the right fit for you. The only caveat is that the BPM workshops, included among the Elective options, are best suited to current Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads. BPM content includes exercises and material specifically designed for individuals with people management experience. Many additional Elective options are available, so you will not be stopped from earning the certificate.