You work hard at UC but all work and no play can make for unhealthy — and unhappy — people. We offer benefits and programs to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Wellness Resources and Opportunities
Recalibrate - Dialing in to wellness resources for students, faculty and staff. Wellness is personal, multi-dimensional, and our needs are frequently changing. This site offers tools that will help you identify your own unique system of wellness.
Staff Organizations - These organizations are here to offer you the opportunity to become more involved in our campus life, keep you informed about important issues and maintain a network of support.
Workfit - Faculty & Staff can take advantage of the over 50 classes per week offered across campus at convenient times. Certified fitness instructors lead a variety of classes including circuit training, yoga, Zumba, and more.
Living Well - UC supports its community in their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. UC Living Well comprises activities and resources found across our locations to help faculty, staff and retirees reach their wellness goals.
Volunteering - Opportunities to volunteer can be found at various campus locations and are open to students, faculty, staff and public.
Events & Attractions - Daily activities, performances and events are open to the campus community and the general public. Expand your mind, stroll through the redwoods and root for the Golden Bears.
Be Well at Work Programs
- The Wellness Program strives to create a healthy work environment through integrated programs designed to provide faculty and staff with tools and skills for leading healthy lifestyles, preventing injury and illness and contributing to higher performance, morale and job satisfaction.
- Healthy Department Certification is a way for campus departments to be recognized for creating a healthy and safe workplace culture. A healthy workplace is a positive, engaged and productive environment. Supporting a culture of health can create a more inclusive environment and improve the intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of faculty and staff. Learn more about the Healthy Department Certification(link is external) and the various wellness initiatives and healthy workplace recommendations that can enhance your department’s well-being.
- The Employee Assistance Program (formerly known as CARE Services) provides no cost confidential counseling and referral for UC Berkeley faculty and staff. It is also the employee assistance program for the Lawrence Berkeley National Library.
- The Disability Management Program provides consultative services to faculty and staff with respect to disability issues impacting work.
- The Elder Care Program offers confidential, free assistance to UC Berkeley Faculty & Staff, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory employees who are caring for or are concerned about an elder or dependant health.
- The Ergonomics Program promotes healthy campus work environments through workshops, consultation and coordination of the campus network of departmental computer workstation elevators.
- The Occupational Health Program is a full service occupational medicine program providing services for the employees of the University of California, Berkeley.
Campus Policies
- Healthy Food and Beverage Choices Policy - By making the healthy choice the easy choice, we can support the health and well-being of all members of the campus community and foster a healthy environment. Eat Well Berkeley includes comprehensive resources related to a healthy food environment on campus, and version 2.0 now includes the new Food and Beverage Choices Policy. This policy applies to campus restaurants, retail, athletic concessions, vending, meetings and events. If you purchase food for University meetings and events, include nutritious and sustainable options as outlined in the Healthy Meeting and Event Guide. Check out the Food and Beverage Choices video and look for healthier options on campus, support bus inesses that offer them, and feel free to give feedback!
- Family & Work - The University of California has established policies to express its commitment to a workplace culture supportive of family care-giving responsibilities.
- Telecommuting - Telecommuting is one of many flexible work arrangements that campus departments may establish for their staff in order to enable them to achieve a more successful balance between work responsibilities and family life.
- Flexible Work Arrangements - Flexible work arrangements are not new to the University. Faculty, for example, have always had considerable flexibility in scheduling their work hours and were "telecommuting" before telephones even existed (working at home or when traveling).
- Grief & Loss - This section is here to help you better understand and cope when someone close to you dies. This is also a guide on ways to balance your own personal needs to heal and recover with the potential demands and expectations of being at work or at school.