Concurrent Session Round 3

2023 NOW Conference

BERKELEY CHANGEMAKER: How Changemaking Can Help You Reconnect, Recharge & Reimagine Leadership at Any Level

Presenters: Laura Hassner and Alex Budak

Session Description: What does it mean to be a changemaker today? How can you inspire others to follow your vision for change and make your UC location, community, and world a better place? And, how is change-making rooted in the values and ethos of UC Berkeley and across the UC system?

Executive Director of The Berkeley Changemaker, Laura Hassner, sits down with fellow Berkeley Haas...

Reimagining Our Relationship to Work: A Cultural Perspective

Presenters: Julie Resnik and Kiran Johl

Session Description: In this session, participants will examine their personal histories and how they relate to their current relationship with work. We will explore different factors that shape the way we engage in the workplace: what we saw in our households growing up, our cultural background and identity, and early career experiences. We will discuss how we are impacted by larger...

Creating Lasting First Impressions: Create your 30-Second Commercial

Presenters: Michelle Hector Branner

Session Description: Do you have your elevator commercial ready for your next opportunity? It is truly important to create a positive first impression, whether you are in an elevator, boardroom, networking event, or interviewing for your next career. This workshop will provide you with structure, tips, and a draft of your 30-second commercial, to leave a lasting impression on everyone you come into contact with.


Interrupting Impostor Phenomenon through Creative Play

Presenters: Sabina Morgan

Session Description: The impostor phenomenon is defined as a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud." These doubts can limit our participation in many activities and prevent us from believing that we are worthy of opportunity and career advancement.

In this hands-on workshop, we will explore what the impostor phenomenon is, how it...

Building Strong & Effective Workplace Relationships

Presenter: Josh Gibson

In this session, participants learn the neurocognitive reasons why relationships at work matter as well as the conditions and practices that lead to a thriving and effective workplace. After beginning with a high-level understanding of how and why relationships are wired into our brains, a practical review of the principles and skills for building constructive workplace relationships follows. This process also entails a brief participant-led collection of non...