
Departmental Human Resources Managers & Generalists: Employees Going on Leave

Please Note: This list is not intended to be all-inclusive, but covers major information needed for employees going on or returning from a leave of absence.

Important: see also Leave of Absence Overpayment Information.

At the beginning of a Leave of Absence:

Give employee the appropriate Benefits Checklist: Disability Checklist (includes pregnancy disability); for employees needing to...

Departmental Human Resources Managers & Generalists: Benefits Bridge for Lecturers

As part of the January 1, 2004, collective bargaining agreement between the University and NSF Unit 18 employees (lecturers), a Benefits Bridge provision was created.

What is the Benefits Bridge?

Allows continuation of benefits during the summer, IF a lecturer has a written commitment for re-employment at the end of the Benefits Bridge period If a lecturer is enrolled in a UC plan on the last day of their appointment, coverage can be maintained for up to three months by making direct payment, in advance to the payroll office, for the full...

Departmental Human Resources Managers & Generalists: Employees Going on Leave

Please Note: This list is not intended to be all-inclusive, but covers major information needed for employees going on or returning from a leave of absence.

Important: see also Leave of Absence Premium Overpayment Information

At the Beginning of a Leave of Absence, please ensure that all the following steps have been covered with the employee....

Departmental Human Resources Managers & Generalists: Change in Employment Status

Some employees hired initially in temporary, contract or part-time positions, and who are initially eligible for only the Mid-Level or Core benefits package, may become eligible for Full (or Mid-Level, if they had Core) benefits.

collapse all expand all Toward Full Benefits eligibility - 750/1,000 Hours

If an employee is not eligible for the Full benefits package when hired, and then works more than 1,000 eligible hours (750...

Departmental Human Resources Managers & Generalists: Eligibility Compliance

There are a number of reports designed to assist departments and Benefits offices with complying with UC policies around eligibility. Some reports are managed centrally by the campus Central HR Benefits Unit and some are managed by departments.

Departments manage:

Rehired Retirees

HR Benefits manages the following compliance reports, but in varying ways, needs to request assistance from Department Benefits Counselors:

Duplicate Insurance report Rehired...

Departmental Human Resources Managers & Generalists

This section of the People & Culture website is for Departmental Human Resources Managers (DHRM) and Generalists – those of you who assist faculty and staff in your department(s) with Benefits-related questions.

This section mirrors the Eligibility, Employment, and Life Events sections directed toward faculty and staff employees. This section will provide information and instructions on handling eligibility, employment, and life events.

If you need help handling a situation or require more information than...

Taking Benefits Actions

Health & Welfare Plans Benefits Plans When Can I Take Action? Who Pays Premium? Plan Administrator PIE[1] OE[2] SOH[3] 90-day[4] Auto Anytime UC EE Medical • • • • •

Blue Shield Health Savings PPO Plan

UC Care PPO Plan


DBCs & DHRMs: Life Events

At times in employees’ lives, they will have changes in their families that may affect their benefits. Most changes must be made within 31 days of the date of the event.

These three links provide overviews on the kinds of life events that can affect benefits eligibility (the first link), and review what an employee needs to do to add a new family member (second and third links):

Life Events that Create a Period of Initial Eligibility (PIE)...

Rehiring UC Retirees

Reemployment of UC Retired Employees (UCOP Information)

Policy on Reemployment of UC Retired Employees Implementation Procedures Rehire Approval Form Frequently Asked Questions Rehired Retiree Factsheet (Returning to UC Employment After Retirement Factsheet) UCRP Reemployed Retiree Notification Form (UBEN 1039) Guidelines for Rehire of UC Retirees (For those rehired prior to January 1, 2009)

Rehired Retiree Approvals...