Preparing for an Interview

Careful preparation is the key to a successful interview process:

  • Assemble a diverse panel: include supervisors, faculty, and/or staff members who are knowledgeable about the job and who have some relationship to the job (e.g., those to whom the job will provide service or support). Include people of different genders, ethnic groups, and physical abilities whenever possible.
  • Confirm that all panel members' schedules will allow for full participation.
  • Make sure the committee's charge is clear and members know their roles and responsibilities.
  • Have the interview/selection committee review the job description and requisition to define the job in behavioral terms. Select competencies to describe the desired candidate (experience, knowledge, education, and intellectual, interpersonal, and motivational competencies). This is your job/candidate profile.
  • Have the interview/selection committee review each candidate's resume. eRecruit will allow the interview panel to view the resumes in self-service. To allow the panel members access to view the resumes, be sure you include them when you create the requisition. If you don't have the individuals confirmed at that time you may also include them when you are scheduling the interviews. Only the interview panelists you include in eRecruit will have access to view the applicant resumes.
  • Select those who best match your job/candidate profile for interview.
  • Have the interview/selection committee prepare interview questions (see Developing Interview Questions).
  • Have a copy of the job description, the PEM form, and an updated organization chart to provide each candidate before the interview.
  • Arrange for interviews to be conducted in a quiet and private place, free of distractions and interruptions. Ensure that appropriate accommodations are made for people with disabilities.
  • Allow fifteen-minute breaks between the interviews to make notes.
  • Review the candidate's resume and supporting materials shortly before the interview to refresh your memory.
  • After the interview each interview panelist should record his or her evaluation and recommendation in the interview evaluation form in eRecruit through employee self-service in eRecruit.