This is the space where UCB staff share how they've navigated job and career changes on campus. Feel free to reach out to people with listed e-mails if you have any follow up questions or want to do an informational interview.

Kelly Ball's Journey
Kelly's Journey - Recognizing Your Accumulated Value and Knowledge to Navigate Imposter Syndrome. E-mail Kelly ( to follow up about her story.

Chrissy Galli: Upskilling and Transcending Limits in Higher Education
Like many professionals, Associate Director of Recreational Sports Chrissy Galli’s nonlinear professional journey is marked by peaks and valleys. In this feature, Chrissy shares tips and tricks about upskilling strengths and transcending limits. You can contact her at for a follow-up

Clarity White’s Career Journey
Clarity has worked in higher education, studied Human Resources, worked in HR, committed to HR in a university setting. Learn about her journey and please feel free to contact her at

Janene Martinez's Journey
Janene Martinez is the Assistant Director of Graduate Student Services within the Department of Economics. They’ve been a part of the UC Berkeley community for 12 years. To set-up an informational interview e-mail or connect on LinkedIn.

Navigating the Workplace as People of Color and Their Allies
Jessica De Anda is a Student Experience Specialist in the Evening and Weekend MBA Program Office. Her post focuses on the role of race within the workplace for both people of color and allies. To follow up with her about this article e-mail or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Sunil Chacko's Career Growth
Read more about Sunil Chacko's career journey in Cal Dining, where he currently is the Assistant Director of Commodities and Purchasing. To set-up an informational interview e-mail

Ashley Villanueva's Career Lattice
Ashley Villanueva is the Marketing Manager within the Coleman Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership. They’ve been a part of the UC Berkeley community for 7 years. To set-up an informational interview, email or connect on LinkedIn.

April Irwin's Career Trajectory
April Irwin is the Administrative Manager within Research, Teaching, and Learning. To follow up with her about this feature e-mail or connect with her on LinkedIn

Rebecca Sablo's Career Journey
Rebecca Sablo is the Associate Registrar for Academic Planning and Records within the Office of the Registrar. To follow up with her about this feature e-mail or connect with her on LinkedIn

Susan Cass' Career Moves
Learn how Susan has navigated an 18 year career at UCB in various units. Connect with Susan on LinkedIn to follow up with her about her career.

Judy Smithson's UCB Career Journey
Read about how Judy Smithson made the change from the Department of Environmental Science and Management to eventually joining the School of Public Health within UC Berkeley. Email Judy ( to follow up with her about this article.

Elizabeth Wilcox's Journey
Read about how Elizabeth took major risks in order to make the jump between careers within UC Berkeley. Email Elizabeth ( to follow up with her about this article.

Shirley Salanio's Career Learnings
Learn about how Shirley strives to keep growing as a professional as the Director for Graduate Matters within the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department. Email Shirley ( to follow up with her about this article.

Sandy Richmond's Journey
Read about how Sandy paved her path through the History department as an Administrative Assistant to becoming the Director of Administration within the African American Studies/Ethnic Studies/Gender & Women’s Studies Cluster. Email Sandy ( to follow up with her about this article.

Lauryn Holloway's UCB Learnings
Read about how Lauryn made the journey from an undergraduate work-study student eventually to becoming the Director of Compliance, Financial Aid within Intercollegiate Athletics. Email Lauryn ( to follow up with her about this article.

Robert Jittrikawiphol's Transition
Read about how Robert seized the opportunity to advance along the corporate lattice and made the jump from advising to finance. Email Robert ( to follow up with him about this article.

Omar Ramirez's Route
Find out how Omar made the transition within numerous departments at UC Berkeley over 15 years, in order to have a positive impact on the student experience. Email Omar ( to follow up with him about this article.

Caitlin Appert-Nguyen's Career
Read about how Caitlin made the jump from the comfort of her familiar work environment to a completely new role at the School of Information. Email Caitlin ( to follow up with her about this article.

Adam Berke's Career Growth
Learn about how Adam paved his path in his 10 years working at UCB and his advice for managing strained work relationships and listening as a key to success. Email Adam ( to follow up about this article.

Rajelin Escondo's Success
Read about Rajelin's journey through UC Berkeley as the Assistant Director at the Multicultural Community Center. Email Rajelin ( to follow up with her about this article.

Rosanne Lurie's Approach
Find out how Rosanne became the Director QB3-Berkeley through taking initiative outside of day-to-day responsibilities.

Rebecca Andersen's Ascendance
Read about Rebecca Andersen's journey through the many departments of UC Berkeley. To connect with Rebecca about this article, e-mail

Bill Allison Reflects on Managing Change
Find out how Bill Allison determines a need for change and how to make a case for it. E-mail Bill ( to follow up about his story.

Andrea Lambert's Journey
Find out how Andrea Lambert has navigated her career from Student Services to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. Email Andrea ( to follow up about her journey.

Desi Gallardo's Story
Desi Gallardo made the leap from one career to another at UC Berkeley. Find out how she cast aside self-doubt and strengthened her career. Email Desi ( to follow up about her journey.

James Dudek's Journey
James has seen it all and done it all at Berkeley in his 30 years here - find out what motivates him to keep growing as a professional on campus. Click the title to read more. E-mail James ( to follow up about his story.

Priya Sarran-Persad's Story
Priya has only been at Berkeley for one year, but has already advanced her career by finding out what plays to her skills. Click the title to read more. E-mail Priya ( to follow up about her story.

Beth Hoch Leven's Way
Learn how Beth switched positions and schools to advance her career at Berkeley. Click the title to read more. Email Beth ( to follow up about her story.

Sunny Lee's Path
Sunny has had many transitions to navigate on campus during her career - find out her secrets to making it work for her. Click the title to read more. Email Sunny ( to follow up about her story.

Sharon Daraphonhdeth's Promotion
Find out how Sharon went from an interim position to a permanent director. Click the title to read more. E-mail Sharon ( to follow up about her story.

Ryan Sessler's Success
Ryan credits his connections for helping him switch jobs in a little over two years. Click the title to read more. E-mail Ryan ( to follow up about about his story.

Victor Sánchez's Approach
Victor became a supervisor using the corporate lattice model. Click the title to find out how. E-mail Victor ( to follow up about his story.