
Staff Workforce Data

Cal Answers - Campus Workforce Planning Dashboards:

CalAnswersUC Berkeley’s reporting portal Cal Answers includes a set of 3 dashboards that include workforce data. These dashboards are available to all UC Berkeley employees, with CalNet login (and campus VPN if accessing from off campus).


Employee Relations


Supervisors should provide early constructive feedback to employees when performance tasks or behavior becomes a concern. This feedback is usually verbal, specific, and held in a confidential setting. The supervisor should listen to the employee, and seek to understand the employee's reasons for why they are not performing satisfactorily. Assistance from the supervisor, further coaching, additional help, re-prioritizing tasks, or additional training may be some of the remedies required.

However, if a pattern of poor performance still continues, the Supervisor will want to...

Leaves of Absence & Other Time Off

Actions to take when you go on leave or when you return from leave

There may be times in your career with the University that you will take a leave of absence. It could be a sabbatical, for personal reasons, or for a disability. It may be a paid or unpaid leave. Depending on the kind of leave and whether or not it is paid or unpaid, determines how your benefits will be affected.

Review the appropriate checklist(s) and/or factsheet(s)(link is external)...

Carrie Ann Colton

Title: Employee & Labor Relations Director

Phone: 510-384-3927

Email: cacolton@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Background Checks


Why do we require background checks?

The University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its staff, faculty, students, and others in the University community; protecting its property and assets; and upholding the reputation and integrity of the University. To support these efforts and to minimize the risk to the University, a background check, which is a...

Affirmative Action & EEO

Why Diversity?

Managing a diverse workforce contributes to staff retention and productivity. It enhances our organization's responsiveness to an increasingly diverse world of customers, improves relations with the surrounding community, increases our ability to cope with change, and expands the creativity of our organization. In addition to supporting these business goals, managing diversity contributes to goals unique to UC Berkeley as a public institution, such as increased accessibility and accountability to all residents of the state.

This website...

Personnel Policies & Procedures

There are many policies that govern the way we work and our relationship with the University; some are systemwide, and are implemented on all the UC campuses throughout the state. Others are specific to UC Berkeley.

Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) applies to all staff employees systemwide whose positions are not otherwise governed by a collective bargaining agreement (i.e., labor contract). There are additional...

Proposed Travel Regulations open for employee comment

January 18, 2017

Travel Policy

The University of California Office of the President invites comments on the proposed revisions to the Presidential Policy Business and Finance Bulletin (BFB) – G-28, Travel Regulations.

The proposed revisions allow reimbursement, in limited circumstances, for travel (including childcare) expenses for spouses, domestic partners, dependent-care providers, and dependents of...

Berkeley Bans The Box

May 3, 2016

Ban The Box Checkbox

UC Berkeley is joining more than 45 cities and counties, including New York City, Richmond, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, and San Francisco who have "Banned the Box" and removed the question regarding conviction history from employment applications. This change, which was led by students who are members of the ...