
Layoff Information (CX)

The following material provides key information regarding Article 13, Layoff and Reduction in Time in the UC- Teamster 2010 Agreement covering Clerical Unit employees. The Article covers temporary and indefinite layoffs and reductions in time.

Please remember to read the entire contract article when you are considering a layoff or reduction in time, and contact your Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) Human Resources Business Partner as soon as you believe a layoff may be necessary.

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ASE Orientation Dates

UAW Orientations are mandatory for new employees.

Academic Student Employees and Graduate Student Researchers are required to attend an Employee Orientation with representatives from UAW 2865, the union of Student Researchers and Academic Student Employees at UC. At this orientation, union leaders will familiarize you with your rights, protections, and benefits as a worker under the UC-UAW 2865 Collective Bargaining Agreements. Graduate Student...

Childcare Reimbursement Program (BX)

University of California Academic Student Employees (ASE) and Graduate Student Researchers (GSR) represented by the United Auto Workers (UAW) are eligible for reimbursement of some childcare expenses through a program established in the ASE and GSR collective bargaining agreements between UC and the UAW. The program described below is effective January 1, 2023.

Program Overview:

Effective January 1, 2023, each eligible ASE may receive up to $1,350 per quarter or $2,025 per semester for expenses incurred during the appointment period during...

Technical Unit (TX)

UPTE logo

Contract Status: Contract expires 10.31.24

The full contract for the Technical Unit (UPTE) can be found on UCnet.

The Grievance Form...