Continuous Learning

UC Core Competencies - Achieving Results

  • Demonstrates responsibility and ownership for one’s job and career path by identifying and expanding skill sets needed to perform successfully on the job. Consistently works to learn and increase knowledge. Asks for help when needed, admits mistakes and is open to feedback.

    • Development

    • Trainings, staying up to date

    • Seeking coaching/feedback

    • Self-awareness

    • Personal growth

    • Technology/systems trainings

    • Staff Recognition

    • Delegating

How Social Learning Theory Works

Albert Bandura's social learning theory suggests that observation and modeling play a primary role in how and why people learn. Bandura's theory goes beyond the perception of learning being the result of direct experience with the environment. Learning, according to Bandura, can occur simply by observing others' behavior.

He explains in his 1977 book Social Learning Theory, "most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions, this coded...

Save Time in Excel

Want to take your Excel game to the next level? In this course, veteran Excel trainer and instructor Dennis Taylor shares powerful tips, tricks, and shortcuts that can help you leverage more of what Excel has to offer. Learn time-saving tricks for creating formulas rapidly, accelerating data entry, and naviagating within worksheets efficiently. Plus, discover drag and drop techniques, formatting shortcuts, charting and PivotTable tips, and much more.

Note: This course was recorded on Excel for Office 365; however, most of the contents will benefit anyone using Office 2019 or 2016....

Questions to Ask Before, During, and After Development Experiences

You can use these questions to ensure that critical lessons and skills are both learned and applied back on the job.


Project Management Foundations: Schedules

Discover how to build project schedules that help you accomplish your project goals on time and within budget - while being flexible enough to accomodate change. In this course, trainer and PMP Bonnie Biafore teaches you how to proactively manage project schedules. Learn how to develop a plan for schedule management; identify activities and milestones; estimate costs; allocate and negotiate for resources; and manage the schedule over time. Bonnie introduces techniques to uncover and resolve schedule conflicts, shorten timeframes, and reduce costs. By the end of the course, you'll have...

Influence Without Authority

Excellence in business analysis requires the mastery of a diverse set of skills. In addition to possessing a variety of analysis skills, business analysts must be great creative thinkers, facilitators of decisions, conflict managers, relationship builders, communicators and facilitators, process and data analysts, and more. As instructor Angela Wick dives into each of these competencies, she offers practical examples that illustrate why the highlighted skills are so crucial. Topics include: Identify the elements of co-creating Explore the fundamentals of influencing without authority...

Employee Guide: How to Be a Productive Learner

What is the difference between just learning and productive learning? The key to productive learning exists in the practice of certain behaviors such as prioritization of relevant opportunities, seeking peer knowledge and expertise, and reflection on work experiences.


Set Yourself Up for Your Next Job

The “Skill Self-Estimate” is a tool for comparing your current skills with the skills required for a particular position or type of position. You often won’t have absolutely all of the information you would like about a job to compare to your skills. As you work with this exercise, notice the questions you have, and think about ways that you might get more information if you need it. Check it out here.

Efficient Time Management

Did you know that if you save just one hour per week, you could gain a whole week of uninterrupted time each year? That's the power of time management. This course will help you reclaim those hours by managing your time more efficiently and increasing your professional and personal productivity. Author Chris Croft explores how to establish a productive environment by establishing systemic approaches for repeating tasks, reducing inefficiency, organizing your work area, and using an effective system to reduce filing. He also discusses how to best create and manage to-do lists, organize the...

Managing Yourself: Extreme Productivity

Bob Pozen does a lot. He’s been a top executive at two mutual fund giants, Fidelity and MFS Investment Management. He’s also been an attorney, a government official, a law school professor, a business school professor, and a prolific author. And he has often been several of those things at once. Yet Pozen never comes across as overwhelmed, frazzled, or even all that busy. We know this because he’s a frequent contributor to HBR and—with a reputation around our offices for writing faster than we can edit. Our experiences with him led us to wonder if he might have something...

Technology and Systems Training

The Technology and Systems Training program offers professional development opportunities to all campus employees with a results-oriented focus on productivity, process improvement, data management, business intelligence, and automation.

Registration is free to all employees. The course catalog features over 35 custom-designed topics. Workshops are facilitated live in a virtual classroom environment. Sessions are a short, one-hour duration. Learning objectives address specific related skill sets. No prerequisites are required, allowing learners to manage their own learning path and...