Achieve Together Achievement Criteria

What is the Achievement Criteria? What are Performance Levels?

The Achievement Criteria are a tool for managers and employees to discuss and evaluate performance. The Achievement Criteria are also an integral part of the Check-in conversation process, in which each of the Check-in questions addresses one of the criteria.

The Achievement Criteria are:

  • Collaboration
  • Goal Accomplishment
  • Inclusion & Belonging
  • Innovation
  • Job Mastery

For each of the five Achievement Criteria, there are behavioral indicators for three Performance Levels. As part of the Spring Check-in #3 (of 3), managers/supervisors rate employees by selecting a Performance Level for each Achievement Criteria. The Performance Levels are: 

  • Needs Attention
  • Well Done
  • Stand Out

Berkeley's Achievement Criteria are connected to the UC Systemwide Core Competency ABCs. These core competencies have been identified for all staff, including managers and supervisors, professional staff, and operational/technical staff across the UC system. 

How do we use the Achievement Criteria?

The Achievement Criteria framework is a tool that will help employees understand how they are performing and inform future performance planning and merit rewards. Employees and managers discuss the Achievement Criteria criteria during Achieve Together check-in conversations using guided questions.