Clarity White’s Career Journey

Clarity White’s Career Journey

Clarity has worked in higher education, studied Human Resources, worked in HR, committed to HR in a university setting.

Clarity White's Career Journey

Clarity has worked at UCB since July 2017 and has been an HR Supervisor with the BEARS Region since 2019. Life has taken her to three other states before California where she also worked at State Universities before coming to Cal. She is drawn to the energy of a campus community and aims to contribute to the positive experiences of students year over year.

How did you get your start working in higher education?

Initially my decision was based on necessity, yet it has grown into a career choice. As a college student I held work study positions in HR and Study Abroad. When I started college I didn’t know what I wanted to study, I landed on Business so I could potentially work in any industry. After finishing a Masters in Human Resources, I turned out to be overeducated and under experienced. Recalling the positive experiences I had as a student worker led me to seek employment at the university. I found myself with an offer to return to Study Abroad, where I had worked as a student. I was thrilled to be able to help students gain an international education experience like I had, and it was a joy to observe their growth through studying abroad.

What has motivated you to work at universities?

The mission of higher education is a big draw for me, I get so much back from being involved with students and activities on campus. Whatever my title has been, I find my work rewarding because I get to contribute to making higher education possible. I have moved states several times during my career, and I consistently seek employment at universities. Along the way, I have worked in or with different parts of a campus: Academic Departments, Athletics, Human Resources, International Education, Language & Culture Studies, Payroll, Registrar’s, and Student Affairs. Each of these positions has expanded my understanding of higher education as an organization. Interestingly, I found that even though I had many different jobs, I found ways to contribute to the student experience, often by hiring student workers, giving student workers an insight to a new office as well.

How have you been able to hire and train student workers of today in order to make sure that their experiences are developmental and enriching like yours?

I haven’t lost sight of the fact that this was first an opportunity to make ends meet by working on campus. It actually started me on a path of what grew into my career. Now when I work with students I give them training and skills that will be transferable for future employment. With a little effort we can find appropriate work to ensure that students are getting a lot out of their experience. Additionally, I offer to support them in their employment search, whether it is through references, or ensuring they recognize the skills gained in their time working on campus. Whenever it makes sense to do so, I make sure they know there are a lot of opportunities at UC Berkeley!

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