Strategic Planning Toolkit

Strategic planning is understanding what you are supposed to do and figuring out how you are going to do it.
Eugene Whitlock, AVC and Chief People & Culture Officer

To fulfill its teaching, research, and public service mission in the coming years, UC Berkeley needs focused work to achieve results, build relationships, and create the future.

Strategic planning will:

  • Create organizational alignment on the purpose of the team, behaviors to drive the team’s mission, strategies to focus the team’s work, and prioritized action plans to take the work forward with clarity on ownership.

  • Enhance organizational and individual performance, as strategic planning creates a structure for inclusive, innovative, and collaborative future-oriented planning with results at the forefront of the process. 

  • Develop a workforce that is engaged, involved, and active in setting the course for the future.

What is strategic planning?

  • Strategic planning helps administrative and academic units thoughtfully and proactively plan their future.

  • Strategic planning is a systematic process of envisioning the desired future, and transitioning this vision into goals and a sequence of actions to achieve them.

Recommended model: OGSP

OGSP stands for Objectives, Goals, Strategies, and Plans. 

Four circles each with one word a piece with the text Objective, Goals, Strategies, Plans.

The People & Organization Development consulting team has worked in partnership with dozens of campus units using the OGSP framework to develop their strategic plans. There are areas of the campus in which the OGSP model is required for strategic plan development, action implementation, and tracking progress against the identified goals in the plan. 

Division and unit leaders should provide guidance to departments and teams on standards for strategic planning (timelines, foundational principles, the recommended or required framework and process, decision-making authority, and implementation accountability, tracking, and assessment).

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Strategic Planning Cycle circle with: 1 - Prepare, 2 - Build Upon Foundations, 3 - Develop Strategic Plan, 4 - Plan Implementation, 5 - Assess Progress, 6 - Plan for the Future