Expanded Paid Sick Leave

Welcome to the information hub for Expanded Paid Sick Leave at People & Culture, UC Berkeley. This page serves as your comprehensive resource for understanding the policy, key dates, and updates, with links to relevant UCNet pages and campus-specific communications.

Policy Overview

Beginning January 1, 2025, UC is expanding access to paid sick leave enhancing security and peace of mind for UC’s valued employees. As part of this policy UC will:

  • Expand eligibility for paid sick leave, including ensuring that part-time employees have access to paid sick leave

  • Expand the reasons for which employees may use paid sick leave

  • Provide paid sick leave that is “protected” so that the employee can be entitled to take the leave for a qualifying reason

  • Extend the period during which paid sick leave may be reinstated if an employee is reemployed after a separation from employment

UC plans to expand paid leave options for sick leave purposes for represented staff employees and academic appointees, subject to applicable collective bargaining requirements.

Man Feels Sick In Bed
Sick Woman Blows Nose

Policy guidelines

For details, see the policy that applies to you: