Continuous Learning

UC Core Competencies - Achieving Results

  • Demonstrates responsibility and ownership for one’s job and career path by identifying and expanding skill sets needed to perform successfully on the job. Consistently works to learn and increase knowledge. Asks for help when needed, admits mistakes and is open to feedback.

    • Development

    • Trainings, staying up to date

    • Seeking coaching/feedback

    • Self-awareness

    • Personal growth

    • Technology/systems trainings

    • Staff Recognition

    • Delegating

Top Ten Effective Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is often considered to be a confrontational and combative practice. However, skillful negotiation has proven to be a productive conflict resolution strategy in professional settings. Effective negotiation utilizes a combination of interpersonal and communication skills in order to reach a desired result that is reasonable to all parties involved. Problem analysis, preparation, and active listening are skills that can be applied to enhance the negotiation process.


What is Social Learning (And How to Adopt it)

Social learning defines learning as a cognitive process that occurs in a social context through examples and direct experiences, favoring a real-life approach. In contrast to formal learning systems such as classroom or web-based traning, social learning tools present knowledge in relevant social contexts. Social learning promotes knowledge retention, encourages learning in working environments, and allows learners to pull knowledge from experts within the organizations. The 70:20:10 model, a strategy based on social learning, suggests that 70% of learning happens through on-the-job...

What Is Informal Learning?

Learning does not always need to happen in a formal classroom setting. Informal learning theory is organic, unstructured, and learner-driven. Many organizations have benefitted from implementing informal learning activities. While formal training strategies are beneficial, implementation of informal learning provides learners with new opportunities to expand their reference and knowledge points. In addition, because informal learning is so learner-driven, it is a self-directed and less stressful process.


The Biggest Interview Pitfalls According to a Hiring Manager

Mastering the interview process is a valuable skill even as a working professional. Many career opportunities will open themselves up to a confident interviewee, making it a worthwhile endeavor to make sure that you don't fall victim to some common interview pitfalls that would compromise your chances.

Read more here.

Take Free Courses Anywhere, Anytime with LinkedIn Learning

Did you know that UC Berkeley upgraded from to LinkedIn Learning?

It's true! You have free access to thousands of expert-led instructional courses on everything from...

Questions to Ask Before, During and After Development Experiences

Guide employees to ask themselves critical questions before, during, and after a development experience to ensure that they are extracting the most from the experience. While preparing employees for their development experience, use this template during the orientation conversation. Encourage employees to populate this template across different stages of their development experience. It's important to ask yourself these key questions to help you transcend your career path.

Some questions include:

What do I hope to learn from this project/experience? What will I be able to do...

Is Informal Learning The Same As Social Learning?

While social learning and informal learning share similarities, it is important to understand that they are not entirely identical. The most evident difference between these two practices are structure. Social learning involves participation and can take place in either a formal (i.e. working on a course together with a cohort) or informal (i.e. daily, casual occurrences of working and learning in a team) settings. Informal learning, however, refers to the unstructured and impromptu ways that people can learn in the workplace, such as through mentoring programs or networking.


5 Core Organizational Skills You Should Possess

Core organizational skills allow you to ensure that you have, or know how to access, all the information you need to make effective decisions. While it is not guaranteed that you will be able to do everything you would like to do in the limited work day, you will be able to continuously complete your most important tasks of the moment through development of these skills.

Learn more here.

25 Tips to Help You Hack Your Career

Feeling stuck in your career? Not sure what your next step should be? Or perhaps you're starting a new job and want to know how to make a great first impression? Whichever stage of our career we are in, we shouldn't be afraid to seek advice and ask questions.

Luckily, Reddit users on r/lifeprotips compiled some of the best career advice from real people in various stages of their career.

From increasing productivity to improving communication at the next networking event, read here for...

10 Things Successful Supervisors Do Differently

Being a supervisor means playing a crucial role in structure of your organization. An outstanding supervisor creates a profound ripple effect based on factors such as management and communication. Success as a supervisor is manifested in watching those you supervise grow to become great leaders and changemakers.

Read here for 10 things you can do to increase your success as a supervisor.