Concurrent Session Round 2

2023 NOW Conference

Reimagine & Reconnect: Catalysts for Effective Change within Academic Units

Presenter: Verna Bowie

Session Description: Organizational change is often initiated by crisis, new leadership, personnel turnover, policy, or compliance. Managing change and uncertainty have become seemingly expected responsibilities and norms for staff within UC Berkeley’s academic units. Their institutional memory and collective experiences are especially relevant in change management and are often underutilized. Their knowledge of campus administrative procedures and their perspectives and...

Purpose + Connection: Your Keys to Career Advancement in a Hybrid and Distributed World

Presenters: Nicole Resch

Session Description: Disconnection at work was an issue even before remote and hybrid work became the norm. In 2019, Cigna reported that nearly 100 million workers were lonely, and since 2020, the impact of employee isolation on well-being, innovation, productivity, retention, and culture has been well-documented. But what about careers? What is the impact on an individual’s career velocity when we block one of the most effective levers for advancement:...

When Plan A Fails: Navigating Career Fog

Presenters: Priyanka Karki

Session Description: This workshop will be based on the concepts of redesigning, rethinking, and reevaluating career decisions and transitions without feeling defeated or “less than.” Through an engaging Odyssey Plan, the workshop aims to acknowledge and reveal some newer ways to look at career transitions and tap into unrealized potential while avoiding burnout and stress. Finding clarity amidst uncertainty requires strength, resilience, and resources, and it is...

Offer & Salary Negotiation: Using Career Tracks & Salary Placement Guidelines

Presenters: Kim Sapp Dinwiddie

Session Description: This workshop allows staff to reimagine equitable compensation for their knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience. It is a much deeper dive into teaching non-represented staff how to effectively negotiate their compensation during the offer and salary negotiation phase of the job interviewing process, as well as during the promotion and/or reclassification process. They will be able to apply the same salary structure, guidelines...

Being Leaders, Building Cultures: Our Collective Role in Creating Thriving Workplaces

Presenters: Kelsey Duff

Session Description:

“Leadership is a process that takes place among people working together toward positive change.” - Komives & Wagner, 2009

We all have the responsibility to be leaders in our workplaces and to strive for a culture and climate where everyone can thrive. We also can build our capacity for leadership, no matter what role or title we have.

Originally developed at the UCLA Higher Education Research Institute, the Social Change...

A 25-Year Journey of Resilience: From a High-Tech Career to a Global Mentoring Mission

Presenters: Liesel Mendoza

Session Description: How many epiphanies does it take to define a life of purpose?

Liesel had two so far. The first one brought her on a journey from the Philippines to Silicon Valley. 25 years ago. The second one brought to her a mission of changing the world one leader at a time through mentoring. Seven years ago. She founded The Mentoring Club.

Throughout this journey, she continually observes and assesses her leadership skills, making her...