Safety Checklist for Telecommuters
The following checklist is recommended for use by each telecommuter in organizing an alternate work site. The telecommuter should review this checklist with his/her supervisor prior to the start of telecommuting, and they are encouraged to work together to ensure the safety of the alternate work site.
Work Site
- Telecommuter has a clearly defined work space that is kept clean and orderly.
- The work area is adequately illuminated with lighting directed toward the side or behind the line of vision, not in front or above it.
- Exits are free of obstructions.
- Supplies and equipment (both departmental and employee-owned) are in good condition.
- The area is well ventilated and heated.
- Storage is organized to minimize risks of fire and spontaneous combustion.
- All extension cords have grounding conductors.
- Exposed or frayed wiring and cords are repaired or replaced immediately upon detection.
- Electrical enclosures (switches, outlets, receptacles, junction boxes) have tight-fitting covers or plates.
- Surge protectors are used for computers, fax machines, and printers.
- Heavy items are securely placed on sturdy stands close to walls.
- Computer components are kept out of direct sunlight and away from heaters.
Emergency Preparedness
- Emergency phone numbers (hospital, fire department, police department) are posted at the alternate work site.
- A first aid kit is easily accessible and replenished as needed.
- Portable fire extinguishers are easily accessible and serviced as needed.
- An earthquake preparedness kit is easily accessible and maintained in readiness.
- Desk, chair, computer, and other equipment are of appropriate design and arranged to eliminate strain on all parts of the body, in conformance with Campus Occupational Health Program guidelines.
- A User-Friendly Workstation, Personal Workstation Checklist, and Computer & Desk Stretches, published by the Campus Occupational Health Program, are available for easy reference at the alternate work site.