FY25 PPSM ATB Program

Dear Colleagues,

We're happy to share that starting June 23, 2024 for biweekly paid employees and July 1 for monthly paid employees, all eligible PPSM-covered Berkeley staff members can look forward to an across-the-board 4.2 percent salary increase. This general salary increase program for the 2024-25 period is intended for our policy-covered staff employees. Bi-weekly paid employees will see the increase reflected in the 7/17/24 paycheck. Monthly paid employees will see the increase in the 8/1/24 paycheck.

Please note that staff employees who are represented by unions are not included in this program, as their wages are determined through collective bargaining agreements.

While this year's salary increase isn't linked to individual merit, the value of ongoing performance reviews remains high. All policy-covered staff are part of the Achieve Together performance program and are expected to continue receiving, at least annually, a performance evaluation in line with our policies. Please note that employees will be excluded from the across-the-board salary increase program if in Achieve Together:

  • They receive three (3) or more "Needs Attention" in any of the five Achievement Criteria, OR
  • They receive "Needs Attention" for BOTH the Job Mastery and Goal Accomplishment criteria, even if all other criteria are Well Done or Stand Out

Please refer to our Achieve Together website for information on the Achievement Criteria and the related Performance Levels. Achieve Together Performance Levels are due in the Online Line form by May 31, 2024.

Other Eligibility Criteria for Across-the-Board Salary Increase:

  1. Career and contract appointment positions: Individuals appointed to career or partial-year career, and contract appointment positions in grades 15-31 covered by PPSM policy on or before January 1, 2024, are eligible regardless of funding source.
  2. Contract positions: the department will need to (a) provide funding for those who will receive an increase, and (b) update the contract with the new salary amount.
  3. Individuals (a) must be appointed to a PPSM position on or before January 1, 2024, (b) must be in a PPSM position on July 1, 2024, and (c) must remain on the payroll in an eligible position and appointment on the date that the pay increase is paid.
  4. Employees whose new salary will exceed the salary range maximum will receive an increase that is capped at the salary range maximum.
  5. Excluded Employees:
    1. Individuals who were hired after January 1, 2024,
    2. Individuals whose current salary exceeds the new salary range maximum,
    3. Individuals who separate from employment on or before the payout date,
    4. Rehired retirees,
    5. Athletic positions covered by contracts that contain performance bonuses, and
    6. Limited employees and employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.  

Questions can be directed to scottd3@berkeley.edu


Eugene & Scott

Eugene Whitlock, Chief People & Culture Officer

Scott Dinkelspiel, Director, Compensation