AB-119 & SB-270

Important Definitions

AB-119, a California bill signed into law in 2017, requires public employers, including UC, to provide unions with an accurate list of new (within 30 days of employment) and current employee names, job title, department, work location, and contact information.

SB-270, a California bill signed into law in 2021, authorizes unions to file an unfair labor practice claim for violations of AB-119 with the Public Employee Relations Board (“PERB”). Violations will incur a penalty of up to $10,000.  Employers may have an opportunity to cure the violation up to three times per twelve-month period.

Responsible Employees

Supervisors and departments are responsible for ensuring accurate, complete, and up-to-date information.  

PENALTIES for Non-Compliance Violations

Effective July 1, 2022, employers will be fined a penalty up to $10,000 for each violation.

WHO Pays Penalties for Non-Compliance

Departments will be responsible for any violations for failure to provide accurate employee job information, work location, and contact information for each employee.

HOW to update employee physical location information

For information regarding the transactional process of including and/or updating the physical work location, please visit UCPath’s Work Location Reporting Requirement for Represented Employees


Who is responsible for ensuring that an employee’s physical work location is up to date?

Departments and supervisors/managers are responsible for ensuring that an employee’s physical work location is up to date.

How can I check the physical work location for represented employees in my department or that I supervise?

Cal Answers has developed a new Position Location Report which combines the complete set of Location table information and the Cubicle field. It is under Workforce Detail > Position Management. There is also a Cognos Report, “R-272 Employee Roster” which includes Location Code and Location Description.

How do I request an update to an employee’s work location?

Contact your Region or HR Support Team to request an update in UCPath. For questions regarding entering physical work location data into UCPath, please visit UCPath’s Work Location Reporting Requirement for Represented Employees and/or please contact the Berkeley UCPath Ops Team at ucbucpath@berkeley.edu

Who is responsible for reporting the physical work location to the unions?

UCOP and UCPath Center generate reports and transmit them to the unions on a regular basis.

What do I do if a Union Representative requests a report of the information covered by AB-119?

You should direct the Union Representative to contact the Union’s main/systemwide office as the report has already been shared with them.

How often is the University required to provide reporting of the physical work location to the Union?

For newly hired employees, the University must provide the required information within thirty (30) days of hire or by the first pay period of the month following hire. For all employees, the University must provide the required information at least every one hundred and twenty (120) days.

Should a union allege a violation reporting new and current employee information, do we have time to fix the alleged violation?

Yes. Once a union alleges a violation, public employers have twenty (20) calendar days to cure the alleged violation.

Who would be responsible for the fine as a result of violating AB-119 & SB-270?

The Department where the violation occurred would be responsible for the fine.

For questions regarding AB-119 or SB-270, please contact Employee and Labor Relations