Building Business Relationships

Building Business Relationships

Have you been eyeing a promotion or new job? By learning how to form and leverage relationships with others in your professional orbit, you can propel your career to new heights. In this course, join Simon T. Bailey as he helps you master the art of building business relationships. Using scenarios and personal experiences from his own career, Simon explains how to build authentic professional relationships by focusing on four key areas: inspiring, influencing, impacting, and integrating. Discover how you can build meaningful rapport, set yourself up for visibility and success, manage up, build relationships with executives, and cross-train within a team to better serve your organization.

Topics include:

  • Explain the importance of giving a good first impression.
  • Recognize the importance of creating a shared bond.
  • Identify tools for building relationships online.
  • Recognize the right time to become a mentor to someone else.
  • Name the factors that will help you identify the sweet spot for creating a project that serves both you and your organization.

Watch here.

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