Wisdom Cafe Wednesday

Archives of past Wisdom Cafe Wednesday newsletters.

Is Informal Learning The Same As Social Learning?

While social learning and informal learning share similarities, it is important to understand that they are not entirely identical. The most evident difference between these two practices are structure. Social learning involves participation and can take place in either a formal (i.e. working on a course together with a cohort) or informal (i.e. daily, casual occurrences of working and learning in a team) settings. Informal learning, however, refers to the unstructured and impromptu ways that people can learn in the workplace, such as through mentoring programs or networking.


Guide to Building Team Transparency

Encouraging and practicing team transparency means facilitating a trusting system of communication between organization members.

Use this guide to start building an open, skill-sharing team environment and better understand the context in which your direct reports work.


Finding Your Productive Mindset

Time management tools and programs can only go so far. If you want to boost your productivity in a lasting way, you need to change the way you look at your time and your tasks. In this installment of the Productivity Tips series, productive leadership author and speaker Dave Crenshaw explains how to boost your productivity by shifting your perspective.


Developing Self-Awareness

While a multitude of factors can go into the making of a successful person, nearly all individuals who achieve high levels of personal and professional success have a keen sense of self-awareness. In this course, learn how to become more self-aware in order to develop yourself personally and enhance career progression. Organizational psychologist Gemma Roberts helps you learn how to develop your self-awareness so that you can understand how others see you, and better align your actions with your intentions. She explains how to identify beliefs to enhance self-awareness, step outside...

Berkeley at Home

Berkeley at Home aims to foster community and bring the campus spirit home during social distancing, especially how to come together with teams and friends while maintaining that all-important physical distance. Our brand new variety show just aired - think of it as a weekly homeroom video for the campus community, featuring messages from Chancellor Carol Christ, news updates, cooking ideas, fitness tips and interviews with Berkeley’s brightest. Check out the first episode...

As A Leader, Political Savvy Is NOT About Being Political

Organizational politics can be difficult to navigate as a leader. However, it is necessary to understand how to best ensure that the organization runs smoothly by developing a set of leadership skills such as being able to analyze a conflict and building partnerships.

Read more about being politically savvy here.

Active Listening

Active listening is the process of fully concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively ‘hearing’ the message of the speaker. Developing proper active listening skills involves the utilization of both verbal and non-verbal cues to signal to the speaker that you are being fully attentive.

Read more about active listening here.

9 Practical Ways to Improve Verbal Communication

In a workplace that is increasingly reliant on communication through phone calls and video conferencing, it is worthwhile to further improve your verbal communication skills. Actively working to improve your verbal communication can be done in multiple subtle ways such as preparation before you speak or even just choosing to read more.

Read here for more ways to develop strong verbal communication skills.

5 Ways to Become Politically Savvy at Work

You don't have to run for President to play politics. You can do it right at work. Office politics is a real game in every organization and you can win by learning the rules of being politically savvy.

Learn more here.

5 Core Organizational Skills You Should Possess

Core organizational skills allow you to ensure that you have, or know how to access, all the information you need to make effective decisions. While it is not guaranteed that you will be able to do everything you would like to do in the limited work day, you will be able to continuously complete your most important tasks of the moment through development of these skills.

Learn more here.