Layoff & Separations

Dismissal / Terminations

Dismissal is the ultimate disciplinary action, normally used when other methods employed to correct performance or behavioral problems have not been successful. Dismissal is usually preceded by coaching, performance appraisal, and progressive disciplinary action. (See Chapter 22: Taking Disciplinary Action) Under circumstances of extreme misconduct, dismissal without prior warning may be warranted.

Before dismissing an employee, review the...

Layoff: Communication Guidelines

Good communication is absolutely critical in the planning and implementation of layoffs. While the information you have to present is not pleasant, employees must hear it directly and honestly from management not from the rumor mill. Honest communication is one of the key ingredients in managing change as well as managing people.

Two-way communication, which provides for information flowing to employees and for ideas and feedback flowing back to management, will make the layoff process smoother for you and your employees. Employees will feel they have some part in making and...


In Chapter 23 of the Guide to Managing Human Resources, separation is summarized as follows:

"Employees separate from the campus in a variety of ways. Some separations are voluntary and initiated by the employee, such as resignation or retirement. Others are involuntary and initiated by management, such as layoff or medical separation."...

Layoff: Workforce and Workload Planning

Anticipating budget cuts? Wondering how all the work is going to get done? Worried about having to lay off staff? Before making any decisions, answer the following questions about your department:

Have we determined our goals for this coming year? Do we know what we need to accomplish? Are our priorities clear? Based on our priorities, have we structured the work in the most efficient, effective way possible? Are we doing work the way we always have, or are we looking at the work with new eyes? As our department has become more automated, have we examined our procedures to see if any...

Layoff & Separations

Road splits in two

This section of the site contains information and resources concerning layoffs and separations. Please navigate either using the menu in the left hand bar, or work your your way the sections as follows:

Layoff Resources Separations