Foundational Skills-Required Training

General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values and Conduct

Ethical Values and Conduct

Course Title: General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values and Conduct

Course Code: ETHICS-BE-ECO

Duration: Approximately 30 minutes

Frequency: Starting in February 2025 this will be a Bi-Annual training...

UC Workplace Violence Prevention Training

Workplace Violence Prevention Training

Course Title: UC Workplace Violence Prevention Training

Course Code: BE-WPVP-GEN

Duration: This course takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.


How to Comply with the Web Accessibility Procedures

Web Accessibility icon

Course Title: How to Comply with the Web Accessibility Procedures

Course Code: BE-DAP-ECO

Duration: Approximately 10 minutes

Frequency: Required annually...

BPM: Academic Leader Bundle (for Faculty Supervisors of Staff)

Grow Today for Faculty Supervisors of Staff Titles

Course Title: BPM: Academic Leader Bundle (8 modules/courses)

Duration: Each module is about 30 - 45 mins. This course includes 8 modules and takes about 4 to 6 hours to complete in total. We encourage you to spread out your learning over several sessions....

UC Managing Implicit Bias Series: Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process

A blue window sign with "Hiring" in big yellow letters.

Course Title: UC Managing Implicit Bias Series: Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process

Course Code: BE-IMPBIAS6-ECO

Duration: Approximately 25 minutes


Search Advisory and Hiring Committee Best Practices

A magnifying glass is poised to research three candidates in silhouette with blue, yellow, and red backgrounds, respectively.

Course Title: Search Advisory and Hiring Committee Best Practices

Course Code: UC-BE-SAHC


CANRA for Mandated Reporters

Outstretched hands protect the faces of young children

Course Title: CANRA for Mandated Reporters

Course Code: BE-UCLOL0065

Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Frequency: Every year (annually)


SVSH Boundaries Awareness

Three patients smile broadly. One has a big heart on their sleeve.

Course Title: SVSH Boundaries Awareness

Course Code: BE-UCLOL0074

Duration: Approximately 20 minutes

Frequency: Required every two (2) years...

Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)

A shifty fellow with an eye mask, jaunty hat and coat with the collar upturned framed in the shape of a shield.

Course Title: Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)

Course Code: BE-UCLOL0062


SVSH Professional Boundaries

A doctor sits behind a desk facing a blond haired patient.

Course Title: SVSH Professional Boundaries

Course Code: BE-UCLOL0067

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes

Frequency: Required every two (2...