The Central Services teams provide critical HR-related services to nearly all of the Berkeley campus, including records management, business systems support, reporting, and automation and compliance efforts.
Compensation & Benefits
Learn more about your compensation, benefits and everything that goes into a Total Rewards package.
Staff Engagement & Belonging (SE&B) fosters community and engagement for staff, develops programs and experiences for employees to increase their racial literacy and cultural fluency, and is committed to creating a community where all employees can be their authentic selves at work everyday.
Employee & Labor Relations (ELR)
Your Employee & Labor Relations team now supports both represented and non-represented employees.
Here at UC Berkeley, we value your growth and development throughout your career journey. Our focus on the People & Organization Development Team is to ensure that we are giving you the growth and development opportunities at the #1 public university in the world.
This area cover the performance management review program 'Achieve Together' and Core Competency ABC's.
Welcome to Talent Acquisition, featuring Berkeley Executive Search! UC Berkeley is committed to hiring a talented workforce through recruitment practices that reflect our Principles of Community.
Course Title: General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values and Conduct
Course Code: ETHICS-BE-ECO
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Frequency: Starting in February 2025 this will be a Bi-Annual training...
Course Title: UC Workplace Violence Prevention Training
Course Code: BE-WPVP-GEN
Duration: This course takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Course Title: How to Comply with the Web Accessibility Procedures
Course Code: BE-DAP-ECO
Duration: Approximately 10 minutes
Frequency: Required annually...
Course Title: BPM: Academic Leader Bundle (8 modules/courses)
Duration: Each module is about 30 - 45 mins. This course includes 8 modules and takes about 4 to 6 hours to complete in total. We encourage you to spread out your learning over several sessions....
Course Title: UC Managing Implicit Bias Series: Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process
Course Code: BE-IMPBIAS6-ECO
Duration: Approximately 25 minutes
Course Title: Search Advisory and Hiring Committee Best Practices
Course Code: UC-BE-SAHC
Course Title: CANRA for Mandated Reporters
Course Code: BE-UCLOL0065
Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Frequency: Every year (annually)
Course Title: SVSH Boundaries Awareness
Course Code: BE-UCLOL0074
Duration: Approximately 20 minutes
Frequency: Required every two (2) years...
Course Title: Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
Course Code: BE-UCLOL0062
Course Title: SVSH Professional Boundaries
Course Code: BE-UCLOL0067
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes
Frequency: Required every two (2...