Wisdom Cafe Wednesday

Archives of past Wisdom Cafe Wednesday newsletters.

Bring Resolution to Your Conflicts

Improve your relationships with your coworkers, clients, and managers and find your way through conflict back to cooperation. In this LinkedIn Learning course, negotiation and leadership coach Lisa Gates shares the secrets of effective conflict resolution and reveals simple, repeatable techniques that apply in most business situations. She presents "The Resolution Roadmap," a practical framework for exploring and navigating conflict resolution,...

Why You Never Seem to Have Enough Time

As researcher Cassie Mogilner and her colleagues write in a 2012 paper, “With waking hours largely consumed by work, precious minutes remain for the daily list of to-dos, including exercise, cleaning, and socializing with friends and family.”

At first glance, the issue seems straightforward. Time pressure comes down to a lack of time, right? Well, partly. It’s the feeling that we don’t have enough time to do what we want to do—but it turns out that feelings...

Want to Find FulFillment at Last? Think Like a Designer

You’re going to learn how to find a fulfilling career. You’re going to learn how to better navigate life’s big-moment decisions and kill your “wicked problems” dead. How? By training yourself to think like a designer.

That, anyway, is the premise of “Designing Your Life,” a class taught at Stanford University (the school’s “most popular class,” according to Fast Company magazine) as well as the just-published book that grew out of it, “Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life” (Knopf).

The two men who created the class and wrote the book are Silicon Valley...

Counter Potential Unconscious Bias

We're all biased. Our experiences shape who we are, and our race, ethnicity, gender, height, weight, sexual orientation, place of birth, and other factors impact the lens with which we view the world. In this course, diversity expert Stacey Gordon helps you recognize and acknowledge your own biases so that you can identify them when making decisions, and prevent yourself from making calls based on a biased viewpoint. Stacey explains some of the most common forms that a bias takes: affinity bias, halo bias, perception bias, and confirmation bias. She helps you recognize the negative effects of...

Top 19 LinkedIn Learning Courses of 2019

Stay at the top of your career by learning what’s popular on campus. We’ve made a list of the most frequently completed courses by our colleagues to help you start the year off right!

Here are the top 19 LinkedIn Learning Courses of 2019


Javascript Essential Training 2. ...

Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

The core problem with working longer hours is that time is a finite resource. Energy is a different story. Defined in physics as the capacity to work, energy comes from four main wellsprings in human beings: the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. In each, energy can be systematically expanded and regularly renewed by establishing specific rituals—behaviors that are intentionally practiced and precisely scheduled, with the goal of making them unconscious and automatic as quickly as possible. To effectively reenergize their workforces, organizations need to shift their...

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can help you build effective relationships at work. Executive coach and organizational psychologist Gemma Roberts explains what emotional intelligence is and why it's important. She helps you become more self-aware so that you can identify triggers that may hijack your performance. She also helps you align your intentions and your impact so that you can build strong and collaborative relationships.

Learning Objectives:

What is emotional intelligence? Watching for triggers and hijacks Finding flow Disrupting thinking Reclaiming...

Communication: Verbal, nonverbal, and written

Are you looking to start a career in IT? Or, are you an IT service desk professional wishing to explore opportunities for career advancement, but unsure of your next step? In either instance—whether you're jumping into a brand-new IT career or advancing your existing one—this course can provide you with a foundational mapping of the careers and certifications you might want to consider. Instructor Fancy Mills covers a variety of career paths at all levels, from service desk analyst to service desk manager. She also explores different certifications related to service desk roles, and...

5 Ideas for Boosting Engagement at Work

Every other year, the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) sends an engagement survey to a randomly selected group of non-represented UC staff. The results are now in and will be announced soon at your location (if they haven’t already). That makes October a perfect month to talk about how to boost engagement — yours and your team’s.

You don’t need to be a people manager to care about and nurture engagement. Whatever your role, you’ll benefit from working with people who are interested in and committed to their job and company. And, you have an obligation to yourself to find...

The 9 Characteristics of a Good Decision

Decision-making can be the single-greatest weight upon your shoulders if you don’t know how to manage stress or if the consequences are less than ideal. So, how do you know what a good decision looks like? When evaluating decisions on a day-to-day basis, there are always characteristics to consider before taking action. Some characteristics of a good decision are positive impact, inclusion, and executability.

Learn more.