Renewal as a Professional Strategy

12:50 pm - 1:50 pm | Angel Room

External stressors are real. To adapt to upcoming challenges and show up as our best selves professionally, we must support ourselves to maintain a healthy level of stress. How we take care of ourselves during times of change and increasing demands results in us either being depleted or renewed. This workshop will introduce the concept of managing our energy as the foundation for healthy practices, sustainable personal renewal, and ongoing engaged performance.

Kathy Mendonca

Kathy Mendonca joined UC Berkeley in 2009. She is a Senior Instructional Design and Learning Specialist in Central HR, Learning & Development. In this role, she designs, develops, delivers, and coordinates staff professional development and also acts as program manager for the KEYS People Management at UC Berkeley manager and supervisor training program. Her passion is empowering others to create the greatest impact in their own areas of expertise.