Ask how you can help. Learn more(link is external)
Don't be afraid to talk about racism, injustice and what’s going on - if your employees want to talk.
Understand that conversations about race will be uncomfortable. Learn more(link is external)
Don't insist that your staff talk about issues. Create a safe forum and opportunity for discussions, but don’t force it.
Expect that you may have missteps and do or say the “wrong” thing. When that happens, apologize and move on. Learn more(link is external)
Don't be defensive if your staff share experiences with microaggressions. Doing so will fail to recognize their experience and will be a wasted opportunity to improve your work setting.
Approve vacation or PTO requests if your operations allow you to do so. Learn more(link is external)
Don't expect your staff to ignore what they are feeling and how it impacts their work performance.
Demonstrate compassion and empathy. Learn more(link is external)
Don't be offended if your staff don’t want to talk to you about recent events, protests, or their experience with racism.
Be an upstander(link is external) and ally. |
Don't ignore insensitive or racist “jokes” by other staff. |
Write a note of encouragement if your staff seems to be sad or dejected. Keep it open-ended - don't presume to know how they're feeling or why.
Don't disregard signs of distress in your employees.
Apologize if you have been inconsiderate about race matters in the past.
Don't apologize if it’s insincere.
Don't ask insensitive questions or make insensitive statements. Some examples from real experience include: “Why are they looting?”; "Is that your real hair?"; "You talk white.". (More on microagressions (PDF file)(link is external).)
Research about racism in America. There are reading lists and resources linked on this web page.
Don't expect Black employees or employees of color to “educate you”.
Don't put this at the bottom of your to-do list.
Develop cultural competency and work to uncover your own unconscious bias(link is external) on an ongoing basis.
Don't delay educating yourself - block time in your calendar. Continue to make this a priority even when the headlines aren't focusing on issues of racism and racial inequity.
Recognize that your staff and colleagues are in different phases of understanding and advocacy. |
Don't shame people who have more to learn; instead offer opportunities for education and respectful dialogue. |