2023 NOW Conference Presenters

Tracy Pascua Dea

Dr. Tracy Pascua Dea is the Academic Climate Program Director, Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare at UC Berkeley. She was the former Chief Diversity Officer and Executive Director of Student Services at Berkeley Journalism. Tracy has more than 20 years of experience in diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and justice, student success, and leadership and systems coaching. Her experience as a first-generation student fuels her passion for transformational individual and organizational change.



Vaneese Johnson

Vaneese Johnson, The Boldness Coach™, is a Global Leadership Coach, Keynote Speaker, Brand Strategist, and Author. She teaches, empowers, and challenges professionals to step into their Bold, Big & Bad ™ and up-level their career choices and successes with intention, ownership, and self-direction.

As a powerhouse possibility creator and transformation instigator, Vaneese teaches and emboldens today’s professionals through her proprietary success fundamentals of Becoming Out Loud Daily (BOLD), Building in Your Gifts (BIG), and being Branded...

Verna Bowie

Verna Bowie joined the UC Berkeley community in 2006 as a volunteer researcher in the Berkeley Natural History Museums before securing a staff research associate position in the Department of Integrative Biology. In 2012 Verna joined the Vice Chancellor for Research office, where she provided project and policy support on a broad range of research and policy related topics. Verna began her role as director of academic program reviews in 2020. To date, she has worked with 31 (out of campus’ 66) academic units undergoing their academic review process.

