Report of the Senate/Administration Committee on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

February 10, 2017

Dear campus community,

Last April we announced the formation of the Chancellor's Senate/Administration Committee on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment. We charged its members with the task of completing a full review of our campus services, policies, and practices related to the prevention, adjudication, and sanctioning of sexual violence and sexual harassment on our campus. We want to express our great appreciation to Co-Chairs Carla Hesse and Barbara Spackman, as well as to all the student, staff, and faculty members of the Committee, for their dedication to and comprehensive review of this important issue.

We formally received the Committee’s report of findings and recommendations last week. The report is now posted on the Committee’s website for public comment. We encourage you to review this thorough report and to offer your comments by emailing The comment period will extend through the month of February.

We look forward to hearing your comments and expect to respond formally to the Committee’s report in early March.


Nicholas Dirks

Robert Powell
Chair, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate