LinkedIn Learning

Achieve your personal and professional goals with LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning with content

In 2019 we upgraded your account to LinkedIn Learning to help fuel your lifetime of learning and professional development.

Find details about the upgrade below and answers to FAQs in the sidebar. 

If you have any additional questions, please email the People & Organization Development team at sends e-mail)

Welcoming users to LinkedIn Learning (for upgrading users)

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New Look, Same Content(link is external)

LinkedIn Learning offers the same high-quality library of on-demand, expert-led instructional videos as

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Personalized Learning(link is external)

LinkedIn will tailor your experience with trending skills in your field based on your likes and what your colleagues are watching (if you connect your Linkedin profile).

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Flexible Learning(link is external)

Watch instructional videos on any device, on and offline at your convenience.

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Automatic Carryover(link is external)

Your learning history, account info and certifcations will be waiting for you in LinkedIn Learning.

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User Friendly(link is external)

Find and view content more quickly and easily with an improved interface.

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Q&A(link is external)

Have other viewers respond to a question you ask about course content (if you connect your Linkedin profile).

Did you Know?

LinkedIn Learning offers more than 5,000 on-demand courses on business, creative, and technology skills and you get to access it for free as a UCB staff member.

Upgrade FAQs