UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI)

The UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI) is a unique, experiential professional development program committed to enabling the full participation, success, and advancement of woman-identifying professionals at the University. The program is open to all employees who support and are committed to this mission. Participants represent faculty, academic personnel and staff, people managers and non-people managers.

The program was created by the President’s office and the Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW) and offered by Systemwide Human Resources in partnership with Coro Northern California and SACSW. UC Berkeley's participation in this program is sponsored through a joint effort from UC Berkeley People & Culture, UC Berkeley's EVCP office and the Vice Provost for the Faculty.

2025-2026 Program Overview

The UC WI schedule coincides with UC’s academic/fiscal calendar. For our northern campuses, three cohorts of 30 participants come together for four interactive, all-day sessions, jointly led by a Coro Northern California facilitator and a UC Facilitator. UC facilitators are past graduates of the program who share their experience and expertise and add a UC perspective.

The 2025/26 program will be delivered fully virtually.

Participant Outcomes

The program has been designed to:

  • Cultivate a professional network that spans the UC system
  • Provide access to top UC leaders to learn about their diverse leadership approaches and journeys
  • Strengthen skills and confidence through hands-on practice with a range of tools in the areas of:
    • Building Strategic Relationships
    • Actively communicating your value to the organization
    • Developing and delivering a compelling narrative regarding one’s professional accomplishments and vision
    • Advocating for your own needs at work
    • Increasing awareness of diverse UC career paths
    • Coaching others to demonstrate their value to the organization

Participant Criteria for the Berkeley Campus

  • Is a current mid-career faculty, academic personnel, or staff member from the UC Berkeley campus
  • Has a minimum of 10 years of professional experience, including 2 years at UC Berkeley
  • Demonstrated potential for advancement
  • Is a woman-identifying professional or supports woman-identifying professionals and seeks to learn concepts that improve their effectiveness at work and hear about the career journeys of established UC leaders
  • Represents the diversity of our campus
  • Represents different functions and departments of our campus
  • Is able to commit to the program with full attendance and participation at all sessions
  • Is able to complete intersession assignments which require up to two hours between seminars
  • Has the written support of their supervisor

NOTE: Eligible staff employees are those who meet the requirements for the Staff Appreciation and Recognition (STAR) program. This includes PPSM (PSS or MSP) employees and Teamsters (CX) employees.

Participation Expectations

  • Participate fully - The UC Women’s Initiative is experiential and relies heavily on full participant contribution
  • Attend all program sessions in their entirety - Locations will be charged for participants who do not complete the program
  • Due to limited funding to support this program, a participant is expected to commit and participate fully. Should they leave the program without ample notice to allow for an alternate to be selected, their department will be billed for failing to notify the program manager (Deepak Sharma) in a timely manner.
  • Complete Pre-Work and Pre-Program Survey before the first day of their assigned cohort
  • Complete up to 2 hours of additional work assigned between program sessions

Program Costs

  • The program fee is $1287.50 per participant. This fee covers virtual program delivery and all program resources, tools, and support.
  • The cost of participation in this program is covered by a joint effort from UC Berkeley People & Culture, UC Berkeley's EVCP Office, and the Vice Provost for the Faculty.

Program Overview

The UC WI schedule coincides with UC's academic/fiscal calendar. We will offer three cohorts with the nomination and selection process running February - April of 2024.

UC Berkeley has been allotted 12 spots (which includes 3 faculty, 3 academic personnel and 6 staff).

Monday, February 24, 2025 UC Berkeley nomination process opens
Friday, March, 21, 2025 Nomination process closes
Monday, April 14, 2025 - Wednesday, April 23, 2025 Nominees will be notified of their selection status
Monday, April 28, 2025
The UC Systemwide Talent Management team sends initial participant communication w/cohort selection survey by the end of the day
Friday, May 9, 2025 Participant survey responses are due to UC Systemwide Talent Management team
Monday, May 12, 2025 - Friday, May 16, 2025 UC Systemwide Talent Management places participants into cohorts
Monday, May 19, 2025 - Friday, May 30, 2025 Final cohort placement communicated to participants and locations
September - November 2025 Cohort 1
January - March 2026 Cohort 2
April - June 2026 Cohort 3

Note: UC Berkeley participates in the North Cohorts.

UC Berkeley Nomination Process

In order to be considered as a UC Berkeley candidate for UC WI, all nominees must follow UC Berkeley's nomination process. Please review the information below before submitting your nomination. 

Each UC location is allotted a specific number of seats in each cohort to ensure systemwide representation. Each UC location manages their own nomination process to align with the systemwide nomination timeline. UC Berkeley has been allotted 12 participants (which includes 3 faculty, 3 academic personnel and 6 staff).

Nomination Form Details

Nominations can be submitted via this form. The nomination form will ask for the following information:

Nominee Information

  • Name, Title, Department, Classification (Faculty, Staff, or Academic Personnel), Primary/Payroll Title and Years of Service
    • Primary/Payroll title can be found in UCPath and UC Berkeley Regional Portal, People Cards.
    • In UCPath, you will see your primary/payroll title on the main screen in the top left hand blue box.
    • In the UC Berkeley Regional Portal, People Cards, you will see your primary/payroll title listed directly below your name.
  • Nominee Questions
    • In the Google Form, respond in 500 words or less per question
      • Please share why you would like to participate in this program at this time and how the UC WI provides a unique opportunity for your career growth.
      • Please describe how you have and how you will continue to contribute to our campus and the success of other women-identifying professionals upon completion of the program.
      • How will you balance the time commitment to this program in addition to your work responsibilities and other committees/projects that you are a part of?
  • Letter of Support
    • In 500 words or less, please describe the following: 
      • Why do you think your nominee should participate in UC WI?
      • How might your nominee benefit from the program?
      • How will UC Berkeley benefit if your nominee is selected to participate?

* Note: Please prepare this information before filling out the form to avoid any accidental incomplete submissions. To do so, you can download this PDF of the nomination form to see exactly what needs to be prepared. (Please don't fill out and email this PDF as your nomination. You can use it for reference, but all nominations must be entered into the Google form.)

Nomination Selection Process

This year's selection committee will meet to review all nominations. Selection criteria will be based on the following questions: 

  • Has a compelling case been made for why this potential participant should participate, including why now?
  • Is it clear how the potential participant would benefit from participation, including whether the individual seems ready to quickly integrate lessons learned into career growth or change?
  • Has a compelling case been made for how our campus might benefit from this potential participant attending the program?

Note: People who were nominated for the program previously and not chosen can be re-nominated using the current nomination form.

Please nominate yourself via the Google Form by Friday, March 21, 2025.

For more information regarding the UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI) Systemwide Leadership Collaborative, visit the UCOP website.

Past UC WI Program Participants

Internal Contacts

Deepak Sharma 
Learning & Development Specialist

Angela Stopper
Chief Learning Officer & Director of People and Organization Development

Program Contact

Cecilia Preciado
Systemwide Workforce Planning & Development Specialist
Systemwide Human Resources | University of California, Office of the President