Indefinite Suspension of Preferential Rehire and Recall for PSS Employees
Indefinite Suspension of Preferential Rehire and Recall for PSS Employees
What is preferential rehire?
Preferential rehire is an option the campus may provide in lieu of severance to a regular status PSS employee who is laid off indefinitely or whose time is reduced indefinitely. If offered, it is the right to receive preferential consideration for any active, vacant career position for which the employee is qualified, which is at the same or lower salary grade, at the same or lesser percentage of time, and at the same campus as the position from which the employee was indefinitely laid off or indefinitely reduced in time.
Preferential rehire is an option the campus may provide in lieu of severance to a regular status PSS employee who is laid off indefinitely or whose time is reduced indefinitely. If offered, it is the right to receive preferential consideration for any active, vacant career position for which the employee is qualified, which is at the same or lower salary grade, at the same or lesser percentage of time, and at the same campus as the position from which the employee was indefinitely laid off or indefinitely reduced in time.
How does that differ from recall?
Recall is the right of a regular status PSS employee who is laid off to return to any active, vacant career position for which the employee is qualified, at the same classification, salary grade, and department and at the same or lesser percentage of time as the position from which the employee was indefinitely laid off or indefinitely reduced in time.
How is severance determined?
When a PSS employee is indefinitely laid off, the campus is required to provide severance. Each year of complete service equals one week of severance up to 16 weeks for PSS employees. The calculations take into consideration any breaks in service which may affect the total. Refer to PPSM 60.
Does the indefinite suspension of this option apply to represented employees?
No, this does not affect provisions in the collective bargaining agreements that apply to represented employees.
What happens if I already opted for preferential rehire and recall?
If you opted for preferential rehire prior to April 20, 2016, and signed the form selecting that option, you will continue in the option until the end of your eligibility period. Those with questions should contact transitions2@berkeley.edu.
How will being laid off affect future employment?
Should you return to employment in any type of position, at any UC location after June 30, 2016, you will return under the new benefit plans and restart your job service credits as a new employee.
What constitutes a break in service?
A break in service is any separation from employment status. A break in service occurs, effective the last day on pay status, whether or not a separation form is submitted, when an employee is off pay status for four complete, consecutive calendar months without an approved leave without pay, furlough, or temporary layoff. See PPSM 2.