Effective Networking Strategies

9:45 am - 10:45 am | Treasure Room

Explore strategies to become really good at networking, while having fun! Define what it is and what it is not, think about your goals, what you have to offer and practice your skills in this interactive workshop. You will leave with some tangible strategies to make your network more productive and learn how to effectively communicate without feeling like you are making a sales pitch. Bring your business cards!

Julie Shaletsky

Julia Schaletzky is the Executive Director at UC Berkeley’s Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases. She is a trained biochemist, and after completing her PhD at Harvard Medical School, joined the biotechnology company Cytokinetics to discover and develop novel, first-in-class medicines for Heart Failure, neurodegenerative and neglected tropical diseases. She started mentoring others in Graduate School and has done ever since, heading the internship program at Cytokinetics and helping new Graduates, reports and established colleagues to land jobs, network effectively and reach their full potential. Having joined UCB in 2017, Julia is passionate about translating basic science into new companies and ultimately cures, establishing effective collaboration between academia and industry.