Cold and flu season has arrived early this year, with both common cold viruses and influenza (flu) cases on campus and nationwide. While influenza vaccine effectiveness can be variable, the flu shot has been shown to both reduce the likelihood of infection and the severity of illness. Now is the time to start getting protected by getting a flu shot, especially if you have asthma or another chronic health condition.

2022/23 Flu Vaccination Requirement
To support the health and well-being of UC students, faculty, staff and our communities, the University of California, in consultation with UC Health leadership, has issued a systemwide executive order requiring all members of the UC community to receive an influenza immunization (flu shot) before December 1, 2022.
The 2022/2023 flu season policy requires you to receive an influenza immunization (flu shot) or opt-out.
Who does this apply to?
All members of the UC community who are working at a UC location, regardless of remote or in-person work arrangements, must attest via our online portal
Where can I get a flu vaccine?
You can get a flu vaccine from a variety of sources:
- Your health care provider. All UC medical plans which cover faculty, staff and students include coverage for flu vaccinations at no cost to those covered by the plan. In addition, for those without group health care coverage, all ACA-compliant health plans also cover flu vaccinations as part of a preventive care package that includes no copay.
- Use the CDC Vaccine Finder to see where vaccines are available near you.