Policies & Procedures

Telecommuting Policy

Telecommuting Policy for Staff Employees

Telecommuting is one of many flexible work arrangements that campus departments may establish for their staff in order to enable them to achieve a more successful balance between work responsibilities and family life. (Other examples include flexible schedules, part-time and partial-year appointments, job sharing, alternate workdays, and alternate work weeks.)

Departments are urged to carefully review both the advantages and the disadvantages before entering into a new telecommuting agreement, to explore the wide variety of arrangements...

Background Check

All university employees may be subject to a background check as part of the terms of their employment. For more information, please read our Applicant Resources page on Background Checks.

Here's a quick overview of when a background check is required:

After we review an applicant’s qualifications for a staff job, and as a contingency of a final offer, we are required to do a background check on candidates for designated positions.

Appointment to or continued...

Personnel Policies & Procedures

There are many policies that govern the way we work and our relationship with the University; some are systemwide, and are implemented on all the UC campuses throughout the state. Others are specific to UC Berkeley.

Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) applies to all staff employees systemwide whose positions are not otherwise governed by a collective bargaining agreement (i.e., labor contract). There are additional...

Model Telecommuting Agreement

This agreement specifies the conditions applicable to an arrangement for performing work at an alternate work site on a regular basis. The supervisor/manager and employee should go over the model agreement together and keep copies for departmental and employee records.

Telecommuting Guidelines

Telecommuting Guidelines A telecommuting agreement should be voluntary. No employee should be required to telecommute. The arrangement must be in the best interests of the university. It should benefit--or at least not cause significant problems--for the department as well as the employee. In evaluating benefits to the department, these are some factors to consider: Does the nature of the work lend itself to telecommuting?

Jobs that entail working alone or working with equipment that can be kept at the alternate work site are often suitable for telecommuting. Examples:...


The University has a responsibility to conduct its affairs ethically and in compliance with the law. If you suspect that a colleague is engaging in improper governmental activities, you should know that UC has policies that can show you how to "blow the whistle" and can protect you from retaliation if the need arises.

Whistleblower Poster (PDF)...

Telecommuting Safety Checklist

Safety Checklist for Telecommuters

The following checklist is recommended for use by each telecommuter in organizing an alternate work site. The telecommuter should review this checklist with his/her supervisor prior to the start of telecommuting, and they are encouraged to work together to ensure the safety of the alternate work site.

Work Site Telecommuter has a clearly defined work space that is kept clean and orderly. The work area is adequately illuminated with lighting directed toward the side or behind the line of vision, not in front or above it. Exits are free of obstructions...

Background Check: Notification Process

This page describes the sequence in which departments and subjects will be notified by the University of California Police Department (UCPD) of the results of background checks for sensitive positions.

When the background check finds no record of convictions: UCPD notifies the relevant department at once so that the hire or other personnel action may be completed. UCPD notifies the individual that he or she has passed the background check and is cleared for employment in the position. When the background check finds a record of convictions: UCPD first...